Holy Paladin main LF casual AOTC guild

Took a break, came back and have been playing casual, but I want to get back into raiding. I’m willing to commit 1-2 nights a week to raiding, and another 1-2 nights a week doing keys. Looking for a good core of people, preferably late 30s/40s, that is drama free and friendly.

Heya Skjaldvora! I think we might be a great fit for you! Most of our guild are adults with children and look to use our time online to have fun. We have a main mythic raiding team but are starting a 1 night a week raiding team on Wednesdays from 9:30pm to 12am to clear heroic. Here’s some more info about us!

We(BEAVER DAM) are an AOTC raiding guild(currently 6/8M) and we’re looking to add new players who enjoy community and guild-driven events, both non-mythic and mythic+ content, and deepen our raiding team for season 2.

Our leadership has been playing together since Burning Crusade and has a tremendous amount of raid experience, but we welcome folks of all skill ranges to join! Beaver Dam is a guild that is non-judgemental and a genuine fun group to hang around with. You should see us when we raid! We all have a blast while killing bosses. We have experienced members of all classes who can assist guildies with mastering their respective roles. Most importantly, we have built a community who enjoy playing with each other and friendships that extend outside of WoW.

ALL players are welcome, whether you like running M+, raiding, PvPing, leveling or hanging out and having a good time. For potential raiders, we raid every Thursday/Monday from 9:30pm to 12am ET and are currently recruiting for heroic fill team. We will also be introducing a 1 night a week raid on Wednesdays from 9:30am to 12pm shortly.

Our biggest strength is the raiding environment. We’re a great group of friends and love to joke and keep the environment fun in between pulls but focus up when killing bosses. The raiding experience with Beaver Dam allows us to have a great time while progressing, even if we spend nights wiping on the same boss(Damn you Silken!). We also have people online in game and on discord in all time zones across the US.

If that sounds like something you may be interested in, please add me on discord and I’d be happy to talk in more detail about it. Discord is juniiorz

Hey hey! [Sylvanas Simp Squad] is an AOTC guild with a solid core of current and recovering mythic raiders of all ages who like getting stuff done. All of us have lives outside of this game, including kids/jobs/etc., so we make sure to place an emphasis on everyone having fun while also running an efficient raid group.

Our raid schedule is Tuesday and Sunday, 8-10PM CST; Tuesday is farm night, and Sunday is prog night. We’re headed into normal this Tuesday to get a taste for the new raid before launching into heroic.

Otherwise, you’ll find guildies running M+ keys throughout the week (we have a slew of 2500+ players), catching up on achievements, or playing other games together while hanging out in Discord.

Discord: mlball0423 (officer) or crimsonpegasus (GM) – tell them Linden sent you from the WoW forums :blush:



We are currently looking for another healer, check out the following info and contact us if you are interested.

Raid Days - Tue/Wed
Raid Time - 8:00-11:00 pm EST

Ring of Destiny’s Contact Members:
Toth - Battletag - Toth#1389

Ring of Destiny is a successful, stable, adult-oriented raiding guild on Velen server. We have been a guild in one MMO or another for over 20 years now, including Everquest, Everquest 2, Vanguard, and of course, World of Warcraft. Many of our members have played together for years, and some since the launch of Everquest.

It is our constant goal to advance the guild in a manner that exposes new content, upgrades for our members, and challenges our wits. This guild was created for the player who cares about progression, not just loot.

Learning new encounters and doing it with a group of players who have the same interests and want to have fun doing it together. We raid 8-11 pm EST Tue/Wed/ and we expect our members to raid on both days, sans occasional real-life events.

That being said, we recruit mature people who play well with others. We aren’t always looking for classes or specs. We are sincerely looking for friends to join the group and expect those that “mesh” to be long term members.

Current Raid Progression
9/9N 9/9H 4/9M

For more information, feel free to add Toth#1389

Late Night Pain Train

Current Progression:
4/8 Mythic Nerub-ar Palace
Undermine (currently progressing)

Raid days and time:
Tuesday and Wednesday 10pm to 12am EST.
Thursday (Being a flex night, used for group Mythic keys and if needed for progression)

What we are looking for?
Raiders that know their class, understand that standing in (Fire, acid, voids, spikes, DEATH HOLEs, ect…) is not conducive to staying alive. Folks that have a good attitude and a drive to progress!

We have been around since The Burning Crusade in 2007, Many Dragons have been punched and many long lasting friends have been made.
We have had the same raid schedule from the start, we value and respect our raiders time. So we only raid 2 hours a night, and expect our team to be logged in consumes in hand and ready to pull on time.
We have a lot fun with each other while keeping it above bar when it comes to discrimination. This guild has become more than just a group of friends playing a game and more of a family. Do we rib each other? Of course!
That being said we have minimal drama and this Train keeps on moving down the track.

We always accept outstanding players who fit the guild.

How to Join:

Whisper any of our officers in-game or slide into our DMs.

Battle tag:
Jabini#1699 (GM)

Discord name:

[Guild: We Go Again] Tichondrius (US) is looking for homies and new people to come run M+ and raid. Currently looking to fill two mythic teams, but we have plenty of space for heroic, casuals, collectors, fun people, and talkative bunches.

East Raid: Tue/Thurs 8-11 est (5-8 pst)
West Raid: Tue/Wed 9-12 pst

We used to be an older guild with leadership that was not very active, so the majority of the guild split off and created a new place for more activities and community to be had. Even with everything we got to 4/8M.
We have an active Discord and many friendly members of all walks of life. If any of these times interest you, or if you’re just looking for a good community add me at Flame#4420 on discord

Big Facts is Recruiting!
About Us:
Big Facts is a returning guild that originally formed during Shadowlands. After a break, we’re making a comeback for Season 2 of The War Within and are looking for new and returning players to help rebuild our community.

We’ve already met some fantastic people on this journey, but we need more adventurers to fill our ranks! We understand that rebuilding a guild takes time, effort, and patience, and while there may be challenges along the way, we are committed to learning and growing together. If you’re willing to give us a shot, we’d love to have you on board!

Our current focus is Mythic+ dungeons, but we also aim to achieve AOTC (Ahead of the Curve) in raids, with potential for tackling a few Mythic bosses as we progress.

What We Offer:
A laid-back, welcoming community that supports both new and returning players
A drama-free, inclusive environment where everyone can enjoy the game
Dedicated members willing to help with Mythic+ dungeons, gearing, and mechanics

What We’re Looking For:
Healers – If you enjoy keeping the party alive, we need you!
Ranged DPS – Prefer to rain down destruction from afar? Join us!
Melee DPS- Smash the enemies into dust? We encourage it.
Dedicated, team-oriented players who want to grow with the guild
Mythic+ enthusiasts who want to push keys and improve together
Chill, patient players who enjoy progression and a friendly atmosphere

Raid Schedule:
Raid Nights: Friday & Saturday, 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM PST
Primary Goal: AOTC (Ahead of the Curve)
Secondary Goal: Progress into Mythic bosses if numbers allow

How to Join:
If you’re interested or have any questions, feel free to reach out!



Come be part of something great—Big Facts is back, and we want you with us!##

Hello Skjaldvora please check out my post! We are ramping up recruitment and have a great team with clear goals. One day a week raiding Sunday 7PM MTN to 10PM

We are a late night PST guild, mature, friendly, and looking to add same-minded folks to our roster. If our playtimes align, please reach out!

Venomfang Cultists is a smaller, cross faction/cross realm guild on Emerald Dream. We raid late, 10:30 PM Pacific T & Th. While we primarily are seeking DPS at this time, all applicants are considered. Tanks and Healers applying are encouraged to have an off spec they enjoy as well.

We are a mature, friendly guild, happy to help new or returning players with leveling and gearing up, and getting in raid or M+ groups ASAP. All classes, specs, and skill levels are welcome. We will get KSM each season, but M+ is kept fun. Casual Raiding is geared towards having fun! We are currently 8/8 H NP. If you are an evening or late night player looking for regular M+ groups, casual raid, or just some folks to hang out with during late night play sessions, please consider joining us. You can message Willowthorn#1522 on Battle.Net, Shadethistle on Discord, or look for us in the in-game guild finder.