Hello friends!
I’m a long time wow player looking to join a chill 2-days mythic raiding guild to start raiding, doing some dungeons or other stuff with during The War Within and going forward. Looking to play Holy Paladin. I’ve been raiding mythic for a few years now and I’ve achieved CE two times, in Nyalotha and Castle Nathria both as healer and as dps.
Looking for a guild with a good, fun environment that consistently clears heroic and maybe does a few mythic bosses too, preferably around the 8pm-12 EST time range. I put a lot more value on a guild with a fun environment than I do on its progress. I’m mostly looking for the right fit but if I can get the best of both worlds like Hannah Montana, even better.
Feel free to contact me through Discord or BNet if you want to talk.
Discord Hunny#0680 - Battle.net Hunny#11884