Holy Paladin is a bad Design

Answer this one, If a paladin has holy why does it have ret and tank? It should ONLY be a healer. if they want a tank go play warrior right?

That’s how Blizzard chose to make a Paladin 🤷

No, you can’t backpeddle now, you just said choice is bad, So there shouldnt be a choice right? Only should be BM hunters? No marksmen or Surv? Right? By your logic?

I think you’re confused at what my point is. In addition to that, you’re now inventing things you think I said so that you can get into an argument with me. I won’t engage with you anymore. If it helps for you to “win” this discussion, feel free to think I lost.

I hope your day gets better.


You just said you’d like your class to have everything in response to my saying that I wish theyre was CHOICE in my healing class, MEANING that you think if i want a ranged healer I should play a different class, IN THAT LOGIC, tank and dps shouldnt be on a pally because pally was holy first.

So anyway. Paladins and monks are melee by this games design because the game considers them melee when making them do fight mechanics. and since they have a spec that assigns them the healer role. they are by that logic, melee healers, even if they can sit there an entire fight without touching the enemy.


Don’t care you old fart, pay attention the game needs more choices and options on pretty much everything.

Right now, you do have that choice; it just occurs when you choose your class.

Again, I agree it would be nice if Paladins were equally viable that way. But that doesn’t mean healers that want to melee are badly designed.

They have the choices and options already there, and you’re complaining about them. You got paladin for your bursty/tanky melee healer, you have monk for the more mobile/flexible melee healer. you have disc priest for the dps/leech/mitigation healer, hpriest for your flexible jack of all trades healer, druid for your hots based healer, and shammy for your utility belt healer. Your choices are there my dude.


They aren’t there you old fart, Make a ranged healer build for holy paladin and see how far you make it in mythic CN

These kids have no idea what they’re talking about. Just leave it man

yeah lol its whatever, having a convo with older people is rough sometimes, like talking to a wall

I don’t plan on it because if I want to play a ranged healer I’m playing a different class.

You shouldnt have to play a different class for a ranged healer this is the only expansion pally has been ranged, there should be choice you old fart choice choice choice choice 1 or 2 you understand? Ret or holy ? Holy or prot? Choice.

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If they want us to use Holy Light they should just make it a fast cast again. Otherwise nobody is going to bother using it, especially in a fast-moving melee environment.

I love the Holy Paladin’s current design. Having a lot of fun.


There is potentially a caster build for paladins with Bestow of Faith, Infusion of Light Legendary and replenishing Light conduit.

Doesn’t provide as much healing but can sit back and cast Holy Light to heal stacked groups/raid. Would be perfect for content that he is probably doing.

I agree. Nuhpal is just terrible.

Hey Brother, what you think you will
Never get old lol whew you got some special rude awakening lined up in your future.


Agreed. I really want to hang back as a Holy Paladin but that’s not how the class is designed anymore. Sure you can do it but your throughout suffers immensely and for some reason healers now have to dps as well making our job even more cumbersome.