I mained a Holy Paladin in the original Burning Crusade, but that was a long time ago and I’m becoming an old man and my memory is not what it was 
I can recall rather well that in WotLK, my Holy Paladin stacked Intellect and pretty much only casted Holy Light, but for some reason I can’t remember if I played this way in TBC or not. Something is telling me that I might have spammed Flash of Light instead. Can someone give me some insight please? Do I stack Intellect and spam Holy Light, or do I stack Healing Power and spam Flash of Light?
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yeah its gotta be flash because holy light is massive mana hog. Leveling a paladin right now, its really fun!
You stack your tier set and gem int.
Get the right gem colors to activate meta gem.
Int is your best stat by far.
You will be spamming flash of light.
Which is also what you spam in WOTLK.
i though i remembered flash being better with adequate +healing and crit. basically being unable to go oom and since flash is already cheap, crits refund a lot of mana, nd still being able to pump due to good spell power, but like a lot of my tbc memories, it was probably not from optimal gameplay standpoint
Yea I’m wrong.
It’s +healing gems.
The meta is int and restore Mana on chance.
Mostly Flash of Light (without down ranking), sometimes Holy Light if you know big damage is coming.
Divine Illumination reduces mana cost by 50% for like 15-20 seconds so if you have good crit and the mana return meta gem you can basically regain mana from flash crits.
I only played Holy early part of TBC and swapped to Prot in Black Temple so my memory on playstyle isn’t the greatest.
Although not irrelevant, I feel like it’s important to note that the information here is more in regards to the earlier tiers, t4 and maybe part of t5.
I could of course be misremembering but I seem to recall paladins just keeping judgement up on the boss and spamming holy light on the tank from start to finish.
Now this I know for a fact to be completely wrong. You 110% spam holy light in wotlk with the glyph.
Yea I prolly shouldn’t of commented, I even mained a hpally and I can’t recall accurately.
I don’t even recall the WOTLK glyphs lmfao
The answer is the same as back then. You will down rank and have about 4-6 ranks on your bars.
Down ranking wont be that big of a thing outside of arena. You’ll be surprised how quickly tbc gets devoured.
That worked better in the earlier tiers of WOTLK. IIRC pallies started to move on to FoL in maybe Uld or ICC because of some nerfs to int stacking or some other reason.
No. I’m sorry. I hate telling people they’re ‘wrong’ but this is completely false.
If anything they would’ve started out spamming fol in the earlier tiers when sustaining mana was an issue but by toc they were 110% spamming holy light.
Beacon on one tank and spam the other, or spam the warlock if you were meter chasing.
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I recall this, too. Holy light was was used for damage spikes. I also recall stacking int and crit.
You’d go OOM pretty fast. FoL was by far the most mana-efficient heal.
Depends on if you want the be a big pala or a small pala:
Small pala: FL:95% HL:5%
stat priority: +healing>Mp5>crit or INT
Big pala: FL:70% HL:30%
Stat priority: Crit or INT>+healing>MP5
Mana efficient yes, but HL just healed more. You didn’t use it as frequently in TBC but a lot more in Wrath, with the additional talent that procced a faster HL cast from Holy Shock. Plus Light’s Guardian from TBC made it worth at least casting a downranked HL to have it up if you needed a fat heal.
Two paladins, standing right next to each other, spamming holy light for five minutes straight.
Again, in early tiers it’s possible you will be foling to conserve mana but come tier 6, you will be using holy light.
Or your tank will die and you’ll get laughed at 
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You can see in the video he seems to be spamming rank 8 holy light. Then rank 11 during stomp or if he thinks the tanks going to take a big hit.
Again worth noting this tier 6 (t6.5 if you wanna get technical) so it’s entirely possible you WONT be doing this at the start of tbC.
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