Class tree:
- Both A just Reward and Holy Ritual needs a buff. This value can go up to like 500%-1000% since current number its abyssmally low. Holy Ritual is also placed in a vital spot of the tree.
- Lightbringer and Divine Shield upgrade casptone need a rework. They are specially weak for capstone abilities.
- Lightforge Blessing healing should be higher for Holy Paladin, based on spell power and should be smart healing only for Hpal. Standard Hpal doesn’t really have maintenance healing (except veneration which is currently really weak since HoW was nerfed back last week) and needs to actively choose between dps and healing. On top of this, we don’t have ways to preserve mana other than infusion of light and extremely undertuned talents like Divine Revelations/Liberation.
- Both Recompense and Sacrifice of the Just are dead talents for Hpal (recompense its for all paladins tbf) Either buff sacrifice of the just to 1 min again or delete recompense and make a choice node between 1 min sac and move echoing blessings additional DR to Blessing of Sacrifice for the other talent on top of 30-15 seconds CDR only. Either you have a stronger Sac or the standard 30% 1 min sac, your choice.
Spec tree:
- Remove Liberation and add a talent that let us regain mana when using either SotR or Holy shock on enemies. Hpal is one of the only healers specs that doesn’t have a proper mana economy/mana refund mechanic.
- Swap Power of the Silver hand with Relentless Inquisitor position in tree. Current positioning of RI makes no sense and we just lost 4% haste without any compensation.
- Make Breaking Dawn baseline and replace it with something else.
- LotM no longer creates absorb on overhealing.
Let’s be real. We will see nerfs here sooner than later. So at least please make reasonable changes before aura nerfing the whole spec.
- Hammer And Anvil critical healing (but not damage) removed. Add consistent healing with every cast of judgement instead. RNG in healers is terrible even if we can control it with stats.
- Maybe Hammer and Anvil reduces judgment CD as well? There’s nothing that feels more clunky that having to cast FoL/HL and overheal just to get that CDR to armaments just because your judgment is still on CD.
- Tempered in battle its one of my favorite new talents ever. If it has to be nerfed reduce the transfer rate and make it happen over 6/8s instead.
- LS is lacking some more synergy with non AC builds/non caster builds.
- LS/AC is proving to be too strong, best mana efficiency, best dps of all Hpal builds and best healing output. Nerfing blessed assurance to a value like 60-100% should help to close the gap between Herald and LS AC, however, I don’t want them to kill AC completely and would love LS to be viable with AW:M as well.
Herald is almost perfect but its been consistently impacted by nerfs intended to reduce Hpal performance in raid and bugs.
If anything, we need base DPS buffs to the spec and nerf LS dps a little to close the gap between the two. This could also mean nerfing Blessed Assurance which would in turn make AC build weaker.
Thoughts? What you guys would like to see?