Holy Paladin Core Forged T2 6pc Set Bonus; Libram of Awe

HPal Core Forged T2 6pc set bonus just straight up doesn’t do anything on the PTR right now. No extra healing splash when healing party members to full.

Also, this change is so blunt and makes no sense:

Libram of Awe had an issue where it was not correctly reducing the damage of Holy Shock by 75%. In order to prevent it from incorrectly being an additive bonus, Libram of Awe now reduces all Holy damage dealt by 75% while equipped, making this a pure healing Libram as is intended.

What? You know how to program dmg/healing multipliers into spells, you have already done it with the Infusion of Light rune and the ZG set bonus, which only affects damage of Holy Shock. Clearly you are able to influence the damage and healing components of the spell separately. So why did you nerf ALL DAMAGE DONE BY ALL SPELLS from HPal by SEVENTY FIVE percent just so we can use Holy Shock at 40 yards? I am at a total and complete loss.

Also, just in case you forgot or something, you can spam equip librams in combat with no invocation of GCD. So I can totally circumvent this ridiculous change by making a macro that swaps the libram in when I cast Holy Shock and immediately swap it out. But I would much prefer to not have to use some janky degen workaround.

Swapping librams does incur a GCD, but you can swap librams while on GCD from another ability.

Conditional macros also don’t work.

Your macro would swap librams for Holy Shock, but wouldn’t be able to differentiate when you’re using Holy Shock for damage or healing. So the end result is your Holy Shock is always going to have its damage reduced, even if you try to game it with macros.

Does not incur a GCD, and the point is not to game the system so I can do a full damage holy shock at 40 yards. The point is to be able to use holy shock to HEAL someone at 40 yards without ALL of my other damage being reduced by 75%

It does when you’re in combat. Same as any other weapon swap.

You can use it while on GCD, resetting the GCD, yes, but meaning you can just do the swap immediately following the use of another instant cast ability and incur no additional cooldown time. It would be a nightmare to use effectively I agree which furthers my point.

Equipping a single item that affects the range of a single ability out of dozens, reducing all damage you deal by 75% is totally nonsensical.

My point is that there is no way to use it effectively because you can’t make conditional macros that only equip it when it’s healing and not damage

The combination of incurring a GCD + no conditional macros = it’s always going to do what it’s supposed to do (reduce your damage)

They only care about shamans… its over already :confused: