Holy Oilwell Cleansed

Anyone else tired of these scenarios with a task and no explanation? What do I do? Nowhere do I see anywhere in UI explaining. The NPCs with me don’t say anything. I’m just staring at a purple well. Ran around the entire Priory, everything is dead, nothing sparkling. What the what.

Did you walk in while it still had the shadow door over the entrance?

Shadow door? No, there was no shadow door. Is this another bug? These scenarios are so lame and boring, please don’t tell me I have to start over?

As long as that door was down, once you get in, you should have to cleanse a well on the left and right. Then the middle.

(I only asked about the door because of it so has a shadow over the entrance, you can walk in but it doesn’t do anything.)

I cleared the left and right ones outside, now I’m inside at the “Holy Oilwell Cleansed” step. But there’s nothing there except a well with purple water in it. Can’t click it. Walking into it does nothing. Ran around the entire place and nothing.

Oh, run back through and make sure no one is fighting anything.

If that doesn’t work… then hopefully someone else had this issue and figured it out. I know my Anduin was stuck but he was just being dumb fighting back the at the beginning.


I’ve cleared everything repeatedly and everyone is with me .

Perhaps that’s what this is about

Edit: reading in a little, alot of people were having the issue you 2 had.

Alot of us were talking about it in gerneral.

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Thanks Arthur. I guess it seems “we’re disabling content” means “we’re going to waste your time, let you start a broken scenario, but not let you complete it, because we don’t respect your time, don’t give a damn about the players, and charge you to test a product we can’t be arsed to test before we release it.”

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I had trouble too. I went to one of the lighted braziers and let the light bar fill up to full. Then went to the well. A gear appears as the cursor then you can click on the well to purify it.