Holy M+ Builds?

What’s everyone’s build and highest key you’ve timed? Scared to go with new changes…

Any help would be appreciated.

two chested a 22 DHT with no issues. new build which is the divine word seemed fine for that level so far

There’s a couple of builds floating around.

Nax’s build (possibly Lightweaver as well):

This build skips over Divine Word/Lightwell and takes Pontifex + Resonant Words instead. It offers good synergy between your usual rotation of weaving Flash Heal and Holy Words. It’s a good build if you don’t want to press things like a Divine Word button.

Alternatively you can pull a point of Voice of Harmony and put it into Lightweaver.

Standard Divine Word build:

This build utilizes Divine Word. You can swap Desperate Times for Epiphany or really anything you want. Divine Word itself is decently strong when utilized properly because you can buff your damage, single target healing, and/or place down a group healing circle.

Orison focused build:

This build min maxes the change to Healing Chorus to turn CoH into a power house AOE heal. A cast of CoH will probably do about the same healing as Sanctify.

There’s other builds that can focus on lolwell, but its not going to be that useful outside of boss fights.

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Thank you so much, I’ll try all 3, just all this came out of no where, I wasn’t prepared :sob:

The only real variations you got going on is if you want Lightweaver/Lightwell, you want Divine Word, or you don’t want either.

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I might be very much cooking here, but my thoughts would have been something like this (Though maybe not this week with bursting cause PoM’s very good for bursting):

Basically cut out the PoM talents and focus on Resonant (with CoH) and Weaver/Well.

The only variant here being to grab divine Word instead, IE:

I think it’s a bit of a waste to go Orison and not grab Resonant, at the very least when looking at the builds above.

Mostly I think PoM is GENERALLY wasted outside generating answered prayers when we’re not in raid. And I don’t think Answered prayers is NECESSARY atm. The ability to grab miracle worker with well/weaver/divine word makes F.Heal/Heal valuable enough that I want to cut down on PoM casts.


I still think you’d want to run all the PoM talents because it does do a decent chunk of your hps fully talented and also triggers Apotheosis w/ Answered Prayers.

With the upcoming return of the original 8 dungeons, Divine Word Sanctify is going to be strong in a lot of the dungeons. RLP is just non-stop start to finish AOE damage.



Interesting with no divine image, what’s the level keys you are doing?.

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I tried all the builds from this thread and didn’t like any of them more than my old M+ before 10.2.6
Some have too many new keybinds just for the sake of having something to press on. Others lack the utility old build provided.


At the end of the day figure out what works for you.

There’s no real meta build for Holy atm compared to the Divine Image/Miracle Worker wombo-combo before.

Every build has its own pros and cons now. Lightwell, Lightweaver, and Divine Word all have specific strengths and weaknesses that would suit one dungeon better over another. I would probably run completely different builds for every dungeon.

A lot of the S3 dungeons don’t even have much group damage going on either. The S4 line-up does have some hefty group damage going on though.

I definitely prefer pre-rework Holy for m+. I’m already not a big fan of m+, something about trash being more difficult than bosses and racing a timer isn’t that appealing to me, but I’d slog through them for a few crests. I’ve been trying Lightweaver, even with a WA, it’s still not a very fun play style. I’ll try divine word next, but I doubt it’ll make it feel like less of a slog.

DPSing in m+ is much more smooth now, which is nice, but I play this game to heal.

At least raiding seems to be about the same for me, albeit with an extra keybind or two. Out of all healers I’ve tried, we have the most keybinds, though that’s part of the charm for me.

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We dont have the HPS to absorb dps not using interupts or CC on certain mobs. Sure, they can miss some and we can blow everything we have to out heal it, but if they continue to miss or not attempt interrupts or CC, then we won’t have the HPS to carry it through.

Talent builds at the high end vary, but the HPS achieved by it does not allow for the group to be bad.

Thanks for asking what we already knew.

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