Sooo I’ve only been Herald until this afternoon, where I tried out LS a little. Being a complete noob at it, from what I’m reading online is that it’s technically much more powerful than Herald if you understand how it works:
During melee wings, you Judge and Crusader Strike as much as you can (melee opponents in arena works best), and then when wings are down, you switch back to more of a Herald-style healing, but tossing out judgments (especially for Infusion procs). So in a nutshell, when wings up, you jump in the mosh pit; when wings down, you distance yourself and heal like you’re specc’d Herald except you toss in judgments.
Regarding shield and weapon CD uses… you obviously shield the teammate taking most damage for a nice absorb; for weapon you need to use it on the teammate BEFORE they drop below 40% health. Then once it’s up, you can 100% LoS teammate and everyone else and heal yourself like a mofo and that teammate will constantly get healed up.
Feel free to add whatever i missed… I’d love to eventually master this myself!