Its has been too long that us Pally’s are burdened with mobility! We need Holy Leap to get us to the front of the pack. This is what we need and must have. I’m voting Holy Leap by 2022.
Just bring back Long Arm of the Law lol.
Anything that isn’t the horsie is good enough for me. I am sorry but one of the main reasons I dropped my pally was the damned horse. I just find it so silly.
Falling Sword its basically a leap/telport, looks cool too.
I mean if you want a gap closer soo bad might aswell play a warrior, else warrior class only advantage over a pally would basically be having a MS lol.
Make as much sense as warrior asking to have blessings or castable heals.
I see the horsie as a mog killer. Or a mog buffer.
Pallies had a cool speed buff, dunno why it had to become a horse lol.
At least on humans you can have the Alliance colors with the Order Hall mount… On a Blood Elf however it’s either low res or random white, red and blue horse that doesn’t fit the Blood Knights’ aesthetics, it’s bad…
Wish at the very least there was a Speed of Light glyph for it.
I don’t remember why, I think the lead dev for class designs came from Diablo or something but I do remember people talking about the “Diablofication” of WoW classes back in Legion.
Rogue: I scouted ahead… there’s more guards than we thought.
Rogue: I’ll be able to cast a spell and cloak us within the shadows… but we’ll have to move quick. Is everyone ready?
Monk: Hmm-mm
Druid: Shifts into cat form
Hunter: Nods
Paladin: Whispers to Clippity Clop, okay… you’re gonna have to be real quiet this time…
this is absolutely f***ing great i love this
You thinking Turalyon’s Might? I think that was a spell where you target the ground, and then it throws a holy sword at the targetted ground. That sword pulses out holy damage, Light’s Hammer style.
But you can also re-cast Turalyon’s Might while the sword lasts, and you’ll leap to the sword and do even more AoE damage on landing.
This was a Ret talent during Legion’s alpha, but was quickly scrapped before we could have fun with it in the live game We can hope they’ll give it a try again in Dragonflight, especially if they take to heart that they’ll need to add a handful of new abilities for each spec if they really want to get players excited to return; it seems like Turalyon’s Might would be a perfect deep talent for Retribution’s spec tree in Dragonflight.
After all of these expansions…surely THIS is the one where Pally gets to be a mobile class. Sure gonna happen…
go draenei. e l e p h a n t
Just make Crusader Aura grant a 10% speed increase AT ALL TIMES, not just when mounted.
And with the way M+ is all about beating the timer, groups would definitely want a Paladin.
In before:
Evoker’s get an ability to leap up and slam down on their target in a very ‘sword fall’ like manner.
Paladin’s, you get a 2 rank talent that gives your horse [1/2] extra charges.
Oh, so that’s why people bring windwalkers? For that sweet windwalking buff?
So boost it higher, being snarky when people are trying to bring ideas to help your cause is probably not a great way to gain support my dude.
I was being snarky because your idea isn’t helpful nor does it support the OP’s cause which is ‘Holy Leap 2022’. Paladins want an actual gap closer, not a minor passive speed increase weaker than what can be gained by using a movement gem currently.
What if we got something aquin to a lasso of light? like harpoon but when you land you do aoe holy dmg and slow.