Holy is a disaster

I don’t get why judgement doesn’t generate Holy Power for Holy. Like they still need to do something about Holy Light and Flash of Light mana/cast speed crap(seriously part of playing a Holy Paladin was always about mana efficiency and the BFA beacon of light had that feature to it) because the spec feels so bad to play. It’s not fun.

They need to do these things to fix holy imo:

  1. Make Judgement generate 1 HP
  2. Remove mana cost on crusader strike
  3. Infusion of Light should reduce the mana cost and increase the healing of BOTH Flash of Light and Holy Light
  4. Change Rule of Law so instead an on use ability it treats your beacon(or beacons if you use one of the two non glimmer talents) of light as close proximity to get the full benefit of mastery on your beacon at all times.

Yeah Holy Light is still gonna have a long cast time, which I’d be cool with if Flash of Light got increased healing as well. These changes would let you easily generate more HP for Word of Glory and also make it so no matter what heal you use after an infusion of light it actually feels decent. Maybe it’s something like Flash Mana Cost Reduced by 30%, healing increased by 15%, and Holy Light gets 15% reduced mana cost and 30% increased healing.

Thankfully we still have divine purpose for PvP which if they could get the numbers right for PvE could be changed to remove 0.5 sec cast time from both spells, make it uninterruptible, and 0 mana cost.

I would also change Word of Glory and Light of the Dawn to not heal the beacon target. It would still benefit from the mastery talent I suggested replacing Rule of Law, but if you heal a non beacon target with a Word of Glory, or manage to hit everyone in the party but the beacon target no healing on the beacon. Only hard cast heals give the beacon healing.

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I started leveling this guy with friends after seeing the playstyle in Shadowlands (Glimmer especially). I love heal / dps hybrid specs (I tried to play Disc in BFA and it was awful for dungeons, fun for raids). While a lot of things for the Paladin look good “on paper”, it seems to me to currently have some glaring problems, to the point where I don’t know if I want to commit to the spec as my main in Shadowlands.

Maybe I’ve made some errors more experienced players will point out, but I think some of my intuitions at least are common after scanning through this thread.

  1. Crusader Strike. Why? It costs as much mana as holy shock, and almost as much as holy light, but it doesn’t heal. If you don’t pick the right first row talent, it doesn’t even reduce the cooldown on holy shock. So I’m paying basically the mana for a full heal, to get a holy power, which is worth 1/3 of a heal later.

What should be done? I can see them making one thing baseline and making the other a talent in order to make it worth its mana cost.

A. Make Crusader’s Might baseline, replace the talent with an AoE heal component to CS (found in Avenging Crusader).


B. Make an AoE heal component to CS baseline (like Avenging Crusader) and leave Crusader’s Might a talent.

What either option does is make CS more worth its mana cost baseline, gives people more AoE heal options aside from light of dawn / beacon of virtue.

Alternatively, Blizzard could just nerf the mana cost of CS to be in line with Judgment, but I think they have a real opportunity here to solve a TON of problems with a really simple change. The only downside is that it removes utility from Avenging Crusader, but from what I understand, almost no one takes that talent anyway because it’s a hollow shell of its former self. The talent needs a rework, so cannibalize it, fix CS, and start over IMO.

  1. Judgment. GCD’s are prime real estate, and while the mana cost for judgment is good, I agree with some comments here which note that it doesn’t do a lot for its GCD cost. It generates no holy power, it doesn’t heal. All it does is do a good bit of damage and increase the damage of the next HS / CS by 30%.

Here again, I think there’s an opportunity for Blizzard to solve multiple problems with one simple change (two if they want to be really really ambitious!). The problems of judgment being a lackluster cast AND the problem of Avenging Crusader can be fixed by reworking Avenging Crusader into a passive that greatly modifies the utility of Judgment.

If Avenging Crusader as a talent increased the damage of Judgment, let it generate a holy power, and gave it an AoE heal baseline, that would create space for up to two more AoE heals as talents (CS and Judgment as individual knobs) for players to play with for themselves, while also encouraging a Judgment / Holy Power build as a legitimate contender with Holy Shock / Glimmer. I’m thinking here of “The Magistrate’s Judgment” legendary item which would act as a good foundation for that build, if Judgment had more foundational support.

If Blizzard wanted to do TWO things to make Judgment and Judgment based builds better, this will probably be controversial but maybe not, I recommend reworking the Necrolord class ability for Paladins to replace Judgment. Don’t make it augment Judgment’s damage “too much” if you’re worried about balance, keep the “next Word of Glory triggers…” just as it is.

I’ve heard basically universally from Holy Paladins that Kyrian feels “mandatory” for Holy due to its ability to get AoE Glimmer on demand, to add more AoE healing. This massive synergy with Glimmer makes Holy Paladins feel pigeonholed into Glimmer and its supporting talents that much more. I can’t fix EVERY covenant problem (I wouldn’t know where to begin with Venthyr tbh) but when you show me a covenant ability where you throw a hammer (where is that familiar?) to synergize with Holy Power spenders that Judgment is encouraged to synergize with ANYWAY, by a legendary (and potentially another once we see the Word of Glory legendary rework). It just looks like it’s begging to happen at this point.

The drawback to this is how it interacts with Ret / Prot, but I think that could be ironed out extremely quickly. The other drawback is that it makes covenant choice more necessary based on build choice, but where we are now is “Go Kyrian / Glimmer if you’re holy” without regard for how that would affect your other specs, whereas this change would allow an interesting Judgment based build, which interacts with multiple specs, with a spec agnostic legendary, meaning the foundations for a “spec agnostic” hybrid build are very much present for people that want to play all 3 roles, who aren’t happy with how Kyrian interacts with, say, Ret.

  1. The final problem has to do with Holy Light, I guess I just concur with people here that say revert the old Infusion of Light benefit for Holy Light.

I don’t know if I’d go that far, but it definitely felt better then than now.

bruhh it feels so bad. ill play her anyway because im blindly devoted, but man its just awful. maybe things will be better at 60 and higher stat values, but the spec currently just does not feel impactful anymore. the holy spenders being dog, and judgement not giving holy power just kills the flow of the spec. they didn’t even bring back eternal flame and the ability to cast spenders at 1-3 HP instead of just 3. dont know what they were thinking man.

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The requests to have infusion go back to what it was, halving the cost of CS, and having judgement give 1 HP would be a start.


It will get better. Healing is the roughest job in groups and it is worse when you try to mix in dps. My advice would be don’t worry about dps until you have your spell priorities and flow down; basically the point where you don’t have to think about what to cast next.

Unfortunately, Crusader Strike is a very useful ability for generating holy power and adding some damage into the mix, and unless your group is terrible, there is no reason to not use it.

The best thing to do is get your bars set up so it works best for you, which might take some experimenting. I use alt macros for all my damage abilities so I can stack a couple of them on a single key and then I use WeakAuras to track cooldowns for spells I use a lot. It just helps when you can see a big glowing indicator with a quick glance at the periphery of your screen and know what spells are ready to rock and roll, without having to look for it in your bar. You can get really creative with that add on too.

Once you get your bars set up, run some heroics or m0 (or even regular dungeons) and practice two things. The first is keeping everyone topped off while using Crusader strike on cooldown. The second is treating mechanics like they will actually kill you. If you don’t use deadly boss mod, I highly recommend it. Being in melee range for Crusader strike means you will have to pay attention to melee mechanics you have to avoid and they usually hurt or stun, and both of those things will kill you or your group.

Practice some and you will be good! Don’t let jerks or angry people discourage you either, especially dps. A lot of people have no appreciation for healers but could not do the job to save their (or anyone’s lol) life.


We did get insta word of glory ? I kinda like the spec.

Count how many seconds/gcds it takes to generate the 3 HP you need to get 1 WOG off. It’s not so instant.


Good morning, Shawn.
Thank you very much for your help, tips and words of encouragement! I haven’t been on recently so I’ll try what you suggested as soon as I can and addons you mentioned.
Thanks again!

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Okay so what I don’t get about all the Holy changes is why they are stuck on this forced melee gameplay? It can be fun at times but other times its not. Personally just do not like being forced into melee for Crusaders Strike all the time, specially in battlegrounds or bosses with heavy melee movement/mechanics. I would like the option to have build that does not rely on CS.

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That is still a possibility. The punitive mana cost of CS seems like the ground work for making the choice between the Glimmer-melee play style and the traditional caster play style equal, or at least closer. If they are at least closer then your choice of which to use will be open to group needs, situational demands, or preference.

The last thing I read about Holy on the beta made it sound like the melee Glimmer build was still top dog early on but the more traditional style could very well overtake the Glimmer style at end game.

What really bothers me right now is how inflexible our spec has become. Our talents basically make us less weak either at range or in melee. We might do better healing on mobile fights, if we can stay in melee range, but that is not guaranteed. Having to be within a certain distance for our mastery to gain full benefit means we should ideally be floaters during a fight, positioning where our raid will be hurting the most, but that only really works if we can do our job effectively regardless of where mobs/the boss are.

The idea of giving Holy Denounce instead of Crusader Strike seems like it would be an easy fix for this. Just change crusaders might into a talent which changes cs to denounce and still gives the 1.5 s reduced cooldown per use. Changing our mastery would work too, but at this point in the expansion development, I think the wrench that would throw into balancing puts it off the table.


As a Holy main, I’m glad about the mana cost reduction for CS. Here’s to hoping it feels good after this. I’m glad they listended as this was the #1 complaint.
Also, increasing HS and WoG healing is nice, and will make me feel more confident triage healing. Overall, I’m happy.


Because we have 5 other healers who play mostly ranged and it makes paladin unique? Personally I’ve basically been converted into a melee player by this version of h-pally :clown_face:


increasing HS and WoG healing is nice, and will make me feel more confident triage healing. Overall, I’m happy.

I like the buffs and am happy too, but the WoG buff only further limits the rare time spending HP on Light of Dawn could ever be “good”.

All right they reduced it! 9% still seems a little high. What truly bothers me about it is that it costs mana but does physical damage. I know changing it to Holy might screw up Ret but if it is going to cost mana it should do Holy damage. If you are going to aggravate my life by making it cost mana at least make the change make sense lol.


Even with the change it still feels pretty bunk. :frowning:

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From my understanding the reason they put a mana cost on CS is because of the fact it feeds into free healing via WoG or LoD, so the effective “mana cost” of these heals are the costs of the generators you use to cast them.

WOG and LOD are not free heals when you have to spend at least 3 GCDs and 27% mana on one. All that time you are hitting CS you are not healing anyone.


180 x 3 = 460 mana at level 50. IIRC healer mana pool is like 10k currently.

Base mana doesn’t include the healer mana increase.

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Yes this is important to remember and unfortunately unnecessarily confusing for players.

The actual percentage cost for one WoG/LoD currently is 5.4% total mana.

In my opinion, I think the generator - spender mechanic is terrible for healers. Correct me if I’m wrong, but Mistweavers don’t use Chi right? Druids don’t use combo points. Shammies never used Maelstrom. They gave us Holy Power once and they seem to think any legacy feature is fair game, but if you retired it once before, why did you think it was a good idea to bring it back?

We are stuck with it for now, so I think we should have it be a major appeal to our spec. Crusader Strike should NOT have a mana cost. We already have pretty limited ways to generate HP compared to the other two specs. Getting free HP with CS already carries a cost of having to be in melee range anyway.

I think Blizz will make this move eventually, but it will help if our feedback can be unified. We all throw out blanket wish lists, but if we see any changes they will either be tuning tweaks or one major concession.

Holy Power is back for now. Mastery changes won’t happen. We are going to be melee healers for the most part. We aren’t going to get new spells or talents. Right now, the best, simplest changes that I think will be very helpful and easy to lobby for are:

  1. CS cost removal
  2. IoL proc changes (generate HP and/or buff effect)

If we get those two things, we will be sitting pretty good as a baseline.