Holy flame magic

If there is shadow flame magic does holy flame magic exist and can my paladin use it? Also would my paladin be able to use elemental fire magic?

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I always assumed the spell Holy Fire that priests have was holy flame magic. Don’t see why a paladin wouldn’t be able to use that. Not sure if Paladins would be able to draw on the elements outside of like a Sunwalker maybe. I always assumed paladins, at least alliance paladins, had to have a certain level of devotion to the light in order to use it, and I feel like double-dipping into elemental forces would hinder that.


Hmm yea I’ve been trying to pick people’s brains on this because I wanted to try and make a paladin that uses elemental fire and the light kind of like the druids of the flame use nature magic and elemental flame magic. Thought that could make for an interesting character.

I have no doubts that it could work, it really isn’t that far of a stretch. But then again, what really even is the difference between “holy” fire and “elemental” fire. They both burn :person_shrugging:

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I was thinking about how fyrakk infused himself with shadow flame and it made me wonder; since shadow flame is void magic and elemental fire, I wonder what it would be like if they did it with light magic and elemental fire. Like what effect would that magic have and could a paladin use it. lol I liked the idea of a paladin leading core hounds infused with light and the flame magic they have. Or riding a black dragon infused with light. Kinda like how lothraxion was a dreadlord infused with light.

Aye in a sense you could say it exists. Seeing as how The Light burned undead and demons back in the day. Going as far as saying they Burst into flames. As for your Paladin being able to use it… eh, that is a little more difficult to say. Being a Human Paladin, you’re bound by a certain set of rules. Being Protectors it is frowned upon to use to The Light in an aggressive manner. I’ve heard that in part that is why it failed Arthas during the Culling of Strathom. He’d broken his oath.

I assume it depends on the Paladin. As mentioned above, Paladins are supposed to be Holy Protectors of the Church and not aggressive Barbarians such as say the Warrior class. This doesn’t mean that other races’ version of the Paladin Class are not. For example Blood Knights of the Sindorei who basically stole their power from a naru likely were not as against aggressive use of The Light…

Well Sunwalkers are more like Sun focused Druids, than Paladins. Being that they get their power from their devotion to their Sun deity An’She and not so much a connection to the Elements. Being more attuned with Nature I could see them being cross trained to a degree.

Well, yes, and no. From what I understand of Paladins in general do have to show a great amount of devotion, though not necessarily to the light itself. The Scarlets come to mind in this regard. They believe so completely in their cause that the light flows through them like water.

As for Cross training, There may be some dilution taking place. I don’t know that it would actually matter unless it contradicts The Light. Speaking of Arthas who lost his connection to the light when he devoted himself to Frostmourn and Death / Domination Magic. Though again, he chose to abandon the light, more so than trying to use both at once.

So what’s stopping you? The Light can come from a plethora of sources. If the Blood Knights, and Dreanei can get it from the Naru, The Tauren from their Devotion to the Sun – Basically a giant ball of Plasma burning in the great beyond – Then why can’t your Paladin get their strength from The Light of the Flame?

That is a good question to be sure. Is there a difference? I’d argue that maybe there isn’t? Maybe the fuel source to create the “Flame”? I mean you have:
(1) Elemental Fire
(2) Holy Fire
(3) Fel Fire
(4) Shadow Flame/fire?

They all burn right, but use different fuel sources.

First problem is Paladins don’t use “pets”. Typically relying on their own prowess and connection to their source of Light Magic. This doesn’t mean it’s not possible by any means. We’ve seen The Light fuse its power into lifeforms becoming LIghtforged in the process. We’ve seen it with the LF Draenei, the Dreadlord, the attempt on Illidan, etc.

Truth be told a Lightforged Black Dragon would be interesting to see.

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Keep in mind that you don’t have to be a “Paladin” to use Light magic! You are not restricted to RPing your in-game class. If you find yourself constrained by the strict rules of what it is to be a “Paladin”–you can always just call yourself a knight who uses Light and fire together. If a priest can wield both the Light and the Void–I think you’ll be fine mixing the Light with some fire magic. :slight_smile:


Holy Fire from the white holy cloth people as opposed to purple cloth warlocks.

If you want this vibe for a pet master, do the following.

  1. Spec Beastmaster

  2. Go to that cave in the Dranei area and tame two copies of that white corehound.

  3. Announce to all and sundry that you are the Holy Huntmaster of Justice!

  4. if you insist on melee, go survival and just tame one.


yes its called radiant.


In the games in which it exists, i.e. D&D and pathfinder such damage is half holy and half fire… the Holy part ignores fire resistance.

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oh thats awesome! i didnt know that! So paladins already use that!

If you write it in fiction you can have them use anything you want.

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“Radiant” is holy + fire. Slightly different than “Divine” which is holy + arcane. “Twilight”, I think, is holy + shadow.

There’s a list of it you can find, but, really, don’t get too bogged down with the technicalities. Just remember to be consistent and respectful, and you should be golden.



Awesome! That’s good to know!

If you hover over some of your spells on your action bars, some will say Radiant damage, etc. Radiant = Holy Fire.

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