Holy damage caster spec

It’s time.

Do it blizzard.

I want to see a DPS caster spec using smite, holy nova, holy shock and other holy damage abilities.


Personally I’d love a Caster Holy Spec, be it through a 4th spec on priest or a new class.

Honestly I feel like Holy dps class is a role that’s what’s missing in WoW and I’d love to see some iteration, it was a meme in Classic and TBC even though in TBC they did add Surge of Light to Priests it still was a joke.

So I’m all for a Holy Magic dps class/spec.

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Agreed, the main question for me is priest or paladin?

I think priest thematically fits a little better, but paladin would be the first caster spec that uses plate which would be quite unique

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I honestly think they should split priest into priest and cultist and just go balls to the wall with a shadow priest class.

No other class has one spec as the antithesis of the other, and no character as of yet ebraces the light/shadow that priest covers.

I dont think it has worked out well for the priest covering shadow and holy. The class tree struggles to cater to both and neither side wants to touch the other limiting flexibility for the class tree.

Its like adding necromancer to the druid or void knight to a paladin.

Id love to see an inquisitor spec added to priest that deals fire and holy damage.

Id also like a full shadow priest class, 2 dps 1 heal, one spec focusing on summons and old god stuff, one on void magic and a shadow healer spec that heals from dealing damage with Powerful heals with drawbacks.

I dont think they will do this though, nor add in a holy dps caster.

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They could also do that to be honest.

Shadow priest really doesn’t make a lot of sense. Like… It makes sense but at the same time it kinda doesn’t.

Priests use holy magic, a shadow priest would effectively be a different class, it would be like calling a shaman a mage, mages use arcane magic and manipulate it to do whatever they want, shamans use elemental magic, it’s just not the same.

It would be like a void paladin, at that point it’s just a completely different class.

Dark knight opposite of paladin

Cultist or harbinger of the void opposite of priest.

I guess it’s cool to have a spec that uses both light and shadow though. But they could still do that.

Yeah, a holy dps priest spec would fit into the other two specs perfectly while further alienating shadow, but an extra shadow spec really wouldnt fit into priest.

I think its a failed experiment that does more harm than good.

I was more talking about the fact that adding a completely separate void themed class would probably be good.

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A 4th holy dps spec could be called Inquisitor!
Channel your inner Sally Whitemane and really throw around the light :slight_smile:
I’d switch from healing to a real holy dps spec , instantly.