Logged in after extended maintenance, and it was a wipefest. Timed one dungeon, completed two, and had two groups disband. Last week, I was two-chesting everything. My last group disbanded after the tank ended up as the second-highest DPS. I’ve never gone OOM this much before.
IDK this has pretty much been my experience this whole season. I only have 1 I haven’t gotten the portal for (CoT) and I can’t count how many times I’ve attempted that on 10. Really hoping next season is much better, I can’t really keep putting up with people at 10s (or heck, even much lower) not knowing the basic mechanics of a dungeon.
Cows and pugs are totally different animals.
On-topic, lol, yeah it seems the key squish only made things worse for low keys.
Lots of people that aren’t skilled nor ready, just crashing and burning with others trying to move up.
I think they should undo the squish to some extent, I know heroic dungeons were pushed up difficulty-wise and they should keep those where they are.
I’m also still baffled that anyone can jump into M+ and isn’t required to do M0s beforehand. I’ll always be baffled by that.
It’s like doing a raid on heroic or mythic, but never trying LFR or normal first.
Just, whoa lol. It’s really no wonder people don’t know mechanics.
You know they aren’t reading the dungeon journals or looking up the fights at all.
I’m yet to hit endgame this xpac (my last season was SL S3 on my Mage) so I admittedly don’t have the firsthand experience to draw from, nor the affix (the season affix looks like it starts at +2 now?), but yeah, I felt like this was going to be an issue with the squish too.
Additionally, it took away a major social bonding activity for more casual guilds: lower keys were mild enough to keep a guild chugging along pretty happily at endgame even if they couldn’t cat herd together a raid, while challenging enough to feel good for the more “beer & pretzels” gamer crowd and giving them enough of a gear reward to make it feel worthwhile, too.
As for people getting in over their head this has always been an issue inherent with the keys system.
You do your first M0, you get your first key, and you’ve always been heavily incentivized to at least give it a whirl if nothing else to get a completion for the vault, and typically, if you did okay in base mythic, you can do a +2 just fine as well.
That +2 probably goes pretty stellar as well assuming you pick decent teammates (which your guild probably has some of and which the LFG system strongly empowers you to do, even if that is the source of so much salt on the applying end of things!).
Now you have a +4 or +5 key. It’s probably a different dungeon from either of the Mythics you did. But the system suggests you should keep going until you can’t any further, and a lot of players probably do. Can you blame them, even if you end up being a hapless teammate in the key in which they finally get too high?
FWIW, I experienced it the rough way myself in SL S1. Ended up with a +5 Necrotic Wake key, having not even tried the dungeon yet above normal. It was late in the week, discouraging trying for a M0 group, and Heroic doesn’t teach you all the mechanics you’ll need on mythic anyway so I took the plunge … It didn’t time, and it was pretty squarely on me - I didn’t get the aiming on the hook right quickly enough and so we had a wipe on the third boss. Yet even with that, we came close. I came out with a better understanding, and I definitely can’t recall ever biffing the hook again for the rest of the expansion.
Should such boldness be discouraged in the name of “respecting time” and we should tell people to go in and deliberately drop their key to a level they can show proof of ability on? Or should we be more open to helping people find their limit sooner rather than later?
The answer to me feels obvious, as the former is terribly pessimistic while the latter is entirely in keeping with the idea that it’s a game and games should be fun. (If it isn’t, you might need to consider why you are stressing yourself that much to do Mythic+ in the first place!)
And if that is genuinely an issue, then the fault lies with Blizzard for encouraging players to forge ahead courageously by letting the keys level up as quickly as they do, and we should ask for that to be adjusted, rather than blaming players for following along with what the game says they should be giving a shot.
Guys he asked a tauren Paladin or Priest to respond , none of us fit his request
I recall during Shadowlands that Torghast went through a number of changes that resulted in multiple difficulties and tracks. Some players wanted a “suggested ilvl” so they could decide what was the appropriate level for them. And other players wanted them to have to figure out the needed ilvl for themselves by trying and failing repeatedly. I seem to recall Blizzard eventually decided to give players guidance on that.
Will tank +10s for a warlock in my AotC raid. Pst.
All the actual good folks are over in Plunderpoof so that leaves just the hard carry folks. That lovely group of folks who let an incredibly low statistic guide their way to Mythic track.
Fun times.
plunder storm started so all of the really skilled people were busy doing the battle Royale
You’re probably right. Timed Dawnbreaker, but two players were extra squishy, and the Shadow Priest did less overall DPS than the tank.
Had a Paladin who didn’t know how his auras worked.
Evoker healer left after dieing once when we were on track to +3, on a +2 key.
Things do be like that.
Doubting this pretty hard.
So am I, but it sure sounded funny and sarcastic when I wrote it.
Haha all good, my holy priest is the one who is geared and I retired from raiding with vanilla. lol
P.S. Finally timed CoT and now they are all done for the season. Going forward it’s just for some gear, which isn’t really that useful since I’m not running higher content than 10s by choice. Working on achieves now to get ahead of end of xpac meta before it releases, I’m sure there will be one.
Seasons over dog, we’re past the point where even gearing alts is hardly worth it.