Holy Armaments

For Prot: Do you guys use them together, or do you separate them out?

No I’m not fotm re-rolling, i’m just leveling all my alts (brew will be next) up to 80 and in the event I do play it as an alt, i’d like to somewhat know what i’m doing with them.

I assume if we’re needing the shield (outside of ST), the pull is large enough that using the weapon in conjunction with shield is the play?

Depends on the pull. They don’t have to be used separately. What’s more important is trying to line up Wings with Weapon.

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Yeah so far i havent found a reason to use them separately. Ran a few 0s around 565. Big shield into big pulls and even bigger damage

I wouldnt blame you for rerolling, even if its not the case here. Prot Pal has always been a lot of fun and now its just at its peak while still having a decently high ceiling and all the support QoL abilities that no other tank has.

When I play tank, having stuff like 1 Min sac, LoH, Bulwark, etc etc is just perfection for me as a healer main.

Hope they dont butcher it to the point its unplayable like during the first half of S1 (well tbf, it wasnt as bad as people made it to be but it wasnt easy to play at the slightest)

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Too late.
Balance list for the 26th shows prot pally getting destroyed

Can’t prot paladins make Templar work?

So Paladin was my first ever charafter in Wrath. I played all three specs. Swapped mains here and there but always kept a Paladin up to par.

Prot was always my go to tank. I only switched Druid in DF S1 for tanking to prove a point and it kinda stuck.

I like tanking so i keep them at max level with just a little gear in case i want to change gears

Agreed. I love their overall usefulness in a group setting. I say Paladins are always great tanks, even when theyre not “great” tanks (beginning of TWW for example).

Reigning in a bit of their damage. Hardly destroyed

Defensive options via hero talents not as strong from what i understand. I was doing Templar as leveling and it just didnt flow as well

It’s less defense and much less dps unfortunately.

Yeah templar has to spend HP for damage whereas Lightsmith gets an extra ability thats a standalone that does impressive damage, IM ADDITION to the damage of your normal HP spenders

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Yeah I actually like the idea behind Templar way more. But it seems blizz has decided prot is to be LS.

With how hero talents combine specs together it would make sense for Templar to have increased damage at the cost of more defensive abilitiee/passives and vice versa for Lightsmith