Holy 4 Set Is Cool and All

BUT WHY NERF THE CRAP OUT OF OUR SALVATION by dropping Holy Word usage from 30 seconds off the 12 minute timer to 15 seconds? It feels like you’ve given us a slight boost to burst healing synergy while nuking our Salvation reset gameplay. Holy Priest has always been able to get 2-3 Salvations per fight, now we’re lucky to get off two if we get good procs from rocking 4 set tier. It feels like a BS blackfriday sale where you post a discount and we pull down the sign to see no change in price.

Holy Priest is the lowest represented healer in M+ this season for a good reason. We just aren’t that powerful, and have crap damage. So why destroy our raiding niche of bombing massive healing CDs? We are in the bottom 3 healers for raid, and the bottom 3 are pretty close while the other healers are ahead by miles.


The consensus around here is definitely that giving us a 4pT that just undoes a nerf given to us to justify 4pT is pretty sloppy work and shouldn’t have been done.

I haven’t gotten past 2pT yet.


Completely unjustified nerf at that. We aren’t even a top performing healer spec in any category right now. We are in fact, the lowest or one of the lowest in every form of content.


Holy needs probably another 4-6% hps buff in raid.

For M+ it’s really more that Disc is better than Holy at just about everything, but Holy is a bit of a sleeper with there being a lot of top IO players playing it.

We do really good damage and have strong burst heals, but we can’t sustain heal and damage at the same time like other classes. We also have zero damage mitigation for others outside of maybe a 5% physical damage reduction if we land a crit on someone. And we only have 10% from flash heal and fade for ourselves, so scaling isn’t kind to us as a pure healing spec. Blizz needs to balance the specs to fair better into higher keys if they want M+ to be a primary form of content.

On +25s and higher you take 850k unmitigated boss AOE damage on Tyrannical which literally one shots people without defensives. Even the last boss in BRH can one shot people in P1 with 800k Shadow Bolts.

Priests can survive this stuff with a 20-30s personal 20% dr, but a lot of specs are screwed. Barrier on Disc is only once every 3 minutes so you rely just on Lenience, Divine Aegis, and PWS to give people a buffer.

Holy needs a lot of revamps though. Mana efficiency is awful compared to Disc in M+, Divine Hymn stinks, and Symbol of Hope is garbo now.

A lot of Priest players on the top just swap between Holy and Disc depending on what works best for the dungeon/fight.

IMO the only way to make Divine Hymn really good is to keep it how it is in raid, but also allow you to move while casting. After all, it’s no different than walking and singing. How many times has random RNG crap on the floor forced an early cancellation of one of the slowest channels in history?!

Also, in M+ and PvP maybe, Divine Hymn get an AOE Ray of Hope mechanic so it’s actually useful. I don’t even use Hymn anymore because people will die during it all of the time. You have to pre-HoT Renews on everyone and even sometimes shield or use an external on yourself or others before you Hymn just to stay alive. It’s pretty worthless.

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My personal favorite is planning Divine Hymn by waiting for mechanics that will force me out, followed by hitting it, followed by someone dying anyway.

At least in PvP, you can talent into it so it heals more and channels twice as fast. Also, it can be used in Spirit of Redemption, so it’s not so bad.

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