Holy 11.1 Changes: Both Hero Specs in a bad spot

Yea it really wouldn’t be too hard to do the math on DR to make it’s affect equivalent to boosting our HPS.

It would be pretty cool to apply insane dr, on the other hand, I’m really not a fan of “ramping” so I would hate to need to spend multiple gcds directly before the damage event

Give Holy Light 3 Holy power generator when divine favor. so you can immediately translate into a WoG. and you will see how things will change around that spell.

the problem with the spell is not the healing power is that it is a slow spell in a very fast phased environment.

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Still wouldn’t change it’s casting priority compared to other spells though since wog is also weak

I honestly dont think that moving our kit around to justify using spells like Holy Light and FoL more would solve anything.

They feel clunky to press, only “kind of” worth pressing to reduce CDR on armaments if you have jugdement on CD, and armaments also has always felt clunky to use as well. Hpal is already kind of GCD intensive.

Those spells just dont fit into current Hpal gameplay style and dont feel fun to use, they feel like they just disrupt the flow of the spec imo.

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Aura of Sac with aura mastery on was THE THROUGHPUT CD for a raiding holy paladin back in the day.

Bascially when u activated it, for 8 sec all healing u did was replicated to ALL Allies affected in the aura.

I rmbr aura of sac, devo aura and aura of mercy, all 3 choices were viable and each aura was distinct

That’s because as noted, they are old spells that have never been updated to fit with whatever the spec is supposed to be doing.

They need full redesigns in how they work along with what spells and talents interact with them. Interaction that actually requires control, and not random crits.

Like, for example, imagine casting a WoG caused your next Holy Light’s cast time to be reduced to 1.5 seconds or a LoD made your next FoL bounce between targets. Things like that.


One of the issues with Hpal is we don’t have a lot of ways for them to add infrequent on-demand power to our kit. Holy Shock is as weak as it is because we have access to so many of them. Plus, if they buff HS, it buffs Divine Toll and Rising Sunlight.

WoG cannot be too powerful because again, have too many of them. With every one of our globals now generating HoPo, we have a lot more access to WoGs than we had historically.

Judgment now does healing via absorbed damage and generates a HoPo. It heals us via Truth Prevails, it’s CD is reduced via Crusaders Might etc.

Someone else said it earlier but this spec went from WoG and HS being the primary/only movers of health bars, to literally every ability (minus CS) doing some form of healing. Even our melees, dispel and blessings do minor healing. Naturally, the kit as a whole has needed to be watered down. WoGs simply cannot heal as much as it use to without nerfs to other parts of our kit.

This isn’t new, most of us have been advocating for a long time that they should take power out of the procs and minor healing and swing the pendulum back a little in favor of our spot healing. Having said that, some of the procs and minor healing is already contributing like 0.2% of our total healing, so there isn’t a ton of room to move.

Alternatively, when Blizzard feels like they cannot buff HS, or WoG baseline without the spec feeling too strong, they do things like our current tier where WoG is buffed up by HS (stacking). ie we can have stronger WoGs but sparingly and only if you juice them up first. This is similar to how Unending Light worked at the start of DF. ie spam LoD outside of damage events to have a WoG big enough to meet the required healing.

The other way Blizzard has given us power without buffing the buttons we have an abundance of is to tie things to procs. Spenders can proc a Saved by the Light shield etc. HS can cast twice (Second Sunrise). Hammer and Anvil. Divine Purpose etc.

We are now in a position where we have access to these buttons too much, and rightly or wrongly they cannot or will not buff them baseline.

A lot of the power we have gained has been via procs and juice-it-up kind of mechanics but because this spec has very few direct healing buttons (HS + WoG), juice-it-up kind of mechanics also feel pretty bad because we cannot reasonably hold a juiced HS (via Power of the Silver Hand) or WoG (via tier or Unending light) because we have to send these buttons on CD and have very few other buttons we can press even if we wanted to hold a fully juiced HS/WoG for a big hit.

This is where I think Flash of Light and Holy Light still have a spot in our kit.

Rotationally we do not need to press these buttons and so they could fill this on-demand, CD based/ramp-esque hole that this spec currently has.

For example, they could make Holy Light be juiced to the moon via set up or CD or something and make it feel rewarding to press. Outside of that, I don’t really know how they can make this spec have a higher on-demand, determinist, skill based ceiling for spot healing given HS and WoGs are far too rotational at this point.