Hollywood stuntman looking for raiding guild

Been playing since day 1 but took a year off recently and came back at the end of BFA. Have experience in 3 mythic level raiding guilds over the past 16 years and would like to get back to organised higher end raiding and not have to deal with group finder pug heroic raids for shadowlands. I was able to get 12/12 heroic relatively quickly considering how little time I played in BFA and was chomping at the bit to do mythic but my guild at the time didnt raid. My io score reflects my late entrance into the expansion.

I put my job in the title for attention, I work on alot of the super hero tv shows like Flash, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow, Arrow etc. I don’t live in hollywood, I just work on their productions :slight_smile: Doesnt make me a better raider or anything but what it does mean is I have ALOT of free time, film work doesnt take up very much of my schedule, often have an entire week off at a time and then work one day here or there.

Really hoping to find a guild that has some interesting people in it, funny people in discord while still raiding semi seriously. I can server transfer wherever I need to go.

bnet: Daemono#1210

Hey there most of the officers are from cali looking for some experiance yet chill dps/healers

Semi-Casual RL raiding guild re-establishing for Shadowlands. Will be pushing the boundaries in mythic+ dungeons as well as achieving AOTC and maybe dabble in some of those mythic bosses. Raid times Wed, Thur, 7:45pm-10:00pm PT
Faction: Alliance
Realm: Lightbringer
Bnet: sumwrath#1715
Disc: Kornpops#4946

I was thinking you might wanna come stunt on our dps meters :wink: Check us out and hit me up so we can chat!
