Holiday events badly need an update

Most of them haven’t seen anything new for YEARS. Its time they took a pass on all of them and did more than an ilvl upgrade.


Blizzard rejected cat ears and tails for Hallow End and if they can’t do the expansion right or finish customizations I don’t think they will care about the holidays.

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Play Venthyr.

They’ve been getting additions to the Ember Court.

Meanwhile, let’s ignore the Night Fae garden altogether for the holiday that it is most closely associated with.

Don’t be silly. No one plays night fae!

I, for one, do not need more time wasting filler crap to take away from the meat and potatoes of the game. Holidays should be minimally intrusive and all should have their collectibles be quickly farmable (including Love Rocket…and before you even try, I got it already and have had it since WoD). One of the worst things about certain holidays is feeling forced to not do things on max level toons because I now have this ultra short window to acquire time sensitive nonsense. Like ideally Easter is one of the better ones on paper because you can farm the eggs yourself and not be limited to X currency a day and need to sacrifice Y hours/days to get something.


The main issue they need to fix with all holidays is phasing problems. For example Noblegarden still happens in old Brill. I think they should remove Brill and add the event to the Echo Isles.

It is hard for new players to follow all the time travel required for holidays!

100% support this. I want to write the next few All Hallow’s Eve events. I’ve had this idea where a San’Layn, a Worgen, a Murloc berserker, an undead Shadow Priest from Uldum, and Patchwork, form a super(natural) team and successfully terrify the continents for a bit.

Can 5 players combine to form a giant beebo to fight them?

That’s one idea. I was thinking the Worgen would be hardcore, but a kick in the nards is a successful interrupt. Patchwork will join your side if you ask nicely. And the mount can be Dracu…the San’Layn’s dope hearse.

Dig through the ditches and burn through the witches
I slam in the back of my Dragula