Holiday Costume Sets - Made BoA

There are a variety of Holiday on use Costume / Appearance alteration items available for specific currency that are BoP. These items are not able to be traded to other characters on a players own account.

Some of these sets are as follow
:Exquisite Costume Set - Xavius
:Exquisite Costume Set - Lich King
:Exquisite Costume Set - Deathwing
:Exquisite Costume Set - Grommash

From Timewalking
:Exquisite Costume Set - Edwin VanCleef
: Inflatable Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker

These items all have 50 charges on them.
Aside from the sword which has 5.

Would changing these items to BoA be allowed?
Players can stock up multiple items during an event if they desire.

There has been mention of limited charge use for certain characters a year. With the current system.