Hold up... Monk had a 60 minute stat buff

Just looking into Monks removed abilities when I came across it was called Legacy of the Emperor and would increase Primary stat by 5%, in WoD it would be replaced by Legacy of the White Tiger which increased primary stat and crit by 5% and then well in Legion it was completely removed.

Like if Druid get Mark of the Wild back which was also removed in Legion why can’t we get Legacy of the White Tiger/Emperor back but with just the 5% crit buff? Who knows maybe they forgot the ability exists just like how they forgot Monk existed when they Announced Shadowlands at Blizzcon 2019.


Really miss that crit as WW. I think the crit buff was WW specific too. It was like Blessing or Teachings of the White Tiger or something.


What is a monk?

A miserable little pile of secrets.


Legacy was our raid buff, wasn’t it? So we lost it when raid buffs were supposed to go away - despite other classes still having theirs…


Monk had a raid buff yes. Also had disarm that was ranged and fun, Clash baseline for Brewmaster and Keg toss which was a ranged aoe snare with high threat… Brewmaster statue also use to give out shields… oh and monk had stances.

Zen Meditation used to be an amazing cooldown. Monk has lost a lot over the years and really is shell of what it started as which is sad.


I’d love to have clash baseline. Zen meditation for all specs seems a little OP lol.

Clash baseline would free up space to take zen meditation though :slight_smile:

Wasn’t the reasoning as to why they didn’t return our party buff was bc Mark of the Wild basically did the same thing with the added bonus of buffing Vers? I thought I remembered reading that somewhere.

We do have mystic touch now I guess so … I guess that is our raid buff. 5% damage is a pretty insane increase when you think about it …

I wish we had Windwalking back in its true form though. Even at 5% honestly … one rank …

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We still have a class unique raid buff…

Actually the last emperor wasn’t class unique like mystic touch is.

The original zen meditation was very different.

Those damn aug evokers can go pound sand for stealing our Windwalking Aura. And Good Karma.


Oh, yeah, the loss of the old Windwalking aura really is a slap in the face. Something that was baseline is removed and replaced with a 2 POINT talent - that doesn’t even give us half of what the old buff was before. The only good thing about it is that it’s at the end of a branch so we don’t have to take it to get something else. It’s almost worse than the fact that we now have to take a talent to get a second Roll - which was also baseline before.

I also still miss Water Roll.