Hoist the Sails, a Plunderstorm Has Arrived!

Being told you made a crappy product is not abuse.
They made a crappy product with this one, they should be reminded of that.


Disappointed. Not because it’s a BR but because I want to play MY character. This is an MMORPG, I don’t get to play my class I play the limited 7 button husk they provide for the event. Oh well.


But I sure players wanted to be able to use their own characters for these modes. I don’t think they would be as invested if they had to play them with pre-made characters that they had to build up by grinding.

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I genuinely don’t get the amount of hate for this. How dare they make a new mode during a x.y.6 patch??? I’m excited to try it, the only downside being (unless I missed something) no group mode to queue with friends?


What are people supposed to say? They are still getting paid.

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I don’t know. Being told that you made a crappy product by people that have never even played it and are basing their entire opinion off maybe a couple minutes of gameplay video is pretty abusive.

It’s one thing to say it isn’t what you wanted…it’s entirely different to say it’s “crappy” without ever playing it.


It’s actually not. Being told that this sneaky non-wow mode they snuck into wow was a bad idea is in no way “abuse.”

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It’s like saying Ford is still making F150s but it’s now a compact car. You haven’t driven it yet, but do you think people would complain about it?


Yo this is actually nuts.

Hang it up Blizzard LMAO

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Eh, PvP players got themselves a fun event. Good on them.


I’ll be giving it a go myself, which is why I’m holding off on criticizing it too harshly at the moment. Depending on what I see, I may or may not have a lot to say.

They’d need a catchy name with a number.

That’s a bad analogy. But whatever.

And people wonder why they never listen to forum feedback, lol.

Hey you wanted them to unionize, now they’re being lazy at creating content. Stupid millennial mentality with the devs.

The negativity can be narrowed down to 3 hot topics:

  1. FOMO
  2. PvP
  3. An Event that does not partake in, or revolve around the players characters they’ve been playing for years.

All of which are very valid, and should be remarked upon to the team.


This seems like it could be fun… but who is it for? Most players I’d wager don’t like PvP, so is it for PvP players? Is this meant to be inciting for brand new players who’ve never played WoW, as maybe evidenced by the fact that they’re doing interviews with PC Gamer and other outlets?

Who’s going to pay 15$ to play a limited time mode? The fact that it’s only for a few weeks is also a massive yikes for current players… all this effort in making this, just to make it disappear? Very odd.


You dont speak on behalf of anyone here. We all pay the same sub fee, so it’s open season to put in feedback here. Good or bad, mean or nice. No need for your pandering here that buys you nothing.


Damn you!! I just spat OJ all over my keyboard!

(because I was laughing so hard. You are so right though.)


You dont need to play it to know its going to be bad.

If someone is serving up raw chicken, i dont need to eat it, to know its bad.

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I mean…WoW is making another game not attached to your WoW characters kind of inside but not really inside of the game. Pretty good analogy to me. I don’t like battle royale games and I dont want to play WoW without the characters I’ve spent years building. Seems like a valid reason to complain, or at least comment on it.