Hogwarts legacy has housing

They could have done this instead of having you chasing customization options for their dragon racing mini-game.

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You’re welcome. :slight_smile:

If you do decide to give it a chance (ARR & Heavensward are free to play), just play a human or an elf, if you prefer the classic approach. You can check out houses from other players and see if it’s your cup of tea or rather not.

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the “stick” is a channel not the source of magic. more like it just amplifies the magic of the user.

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we have wands they are just usless and noone ever uses them over a staff.


Confirmed JK Rowling took her ideas for Harry Potter from Warcraft…


Housing is a serious HUGE endeavour that needs a LOT of time to get 100% right - and support always after. The current way wow is, ideas that isnt player power is dumped after 1 expansion or patch.

And hopefuly never will. I have played a few games with housing and it has been by far the worse part of the game

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You can own an apartment, one house and one room in a guild house.
You can’t own two houses, though.

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Why is the op’s post flagged? :thinking:

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I just got a small house last week after trying for over a year T_T I think they just added a bunch of plots, though, so that probably helped.

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Yeah I’m standing by my statement SWTOR has better housing. You just like, buy it. Takes 2 seconds.


I had a warship, I was happy even before the housing. Maybe I should play that again, it’s been years.

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One whole year? oO
Guess I was super lucky then. But I see small houses get open quite regularly. So on Lich where I play, it is rather easy to get a small one.
Though I agree that it should be waaaay easier to get a house. An apartment is nice too, but hardly comparable with a house.

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I thought we are.

Housing could have worked off the Class Hall idea and gone from there

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the juicer finished it in 24 hours so theres no longevity there D:

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I understand that people are excited about this game but I’m sure there is a forum somewhere that is specifically for talking about it, and there is always Twitter, reddit, etc.

I’m not a Rowling or HP hater. But take it elsewhere, please.

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At this point I wonder if player housing just can’t be done to a level people want with WoW’s old engine.

It’s just such a silly thing to be stubborn about that many people would enjoy.


You can have a part-time job at Baskin Robbins after you finish your homework.


As long as the part-time job is eating ice cream. :stuck_out_tongue:

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