I’m currently seriously considering leaving this game for housing. I’m finding I want it more and more. Problem is professions. I really like WoW’s profession system and I would want a good profession system for the game and I haven’t found one yet.
Does Harry Potter have a good profession system, or even have one?
I feel like if WoW did player housing it would look something like a mixture between SWToR and WOD garrisons. It would be a set locations that you can go to, and you would be able to add items to anchor points. If they implement this, they need to make it interactive where you can set up events in your home, such as dinner time and add an item that are useful for professions and add NPCs that perform certain actions and quests.
Think Skyrim Hearthfire Xpac with WOD garrisons and Set Locations like in SWToR
If you enjoy housing and professions, then you could give ff14 a try. The story is also breathtaking, if you’re enjoying the rp part of a game in general. 
I can’t stand the cutesy anime characters, but yes, everything else about it is wonderful.
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From what I’ve heard, SWTOR probably has a better housing system than FF14.
Meh. I’ll buy it once it’s patched and the first few tranches of DLC have come out and rolled into the game of the year edition.
Oh and after they remove denuvo.
Oh give it a break already ffs. People like yourself aren’t doing the “cause” any favours.
9/10 wow players are of the brood of the dark gods, and have been known to be a scourge upon the very soul of humanity.
You get used to it.
It was the very reason why I didn’t tried that game out sooner. bfa was the reason I finally gave it a chance. 
Believe me, that game is anything but cute apart from some races, if you play the main story quest. It get’s really dark…
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Never played TOR so can’t comment - but the FFXIV housing is brilliant. People actually make a hell of a lot of Gil hiring themselves out as internal and external decorators because of how detailed the system is.
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I personally find them laughable, I saw gameplay and its like “Im holding up my wand, stay back!!!” like…its a wooden stick treebranch lmao.
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“Ah the champion of x is here! Hail to you! Did you see the upgrades to the town, to the towers and castle!? Look how well the people are doing!”
standing there haven’t bathed in X years, no home and 5 million mounts in my backpack “Oh…how nice…”
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How many houses do you get in FF14? I have like 10 in SWTOR. Also, isn’t there a limit to how many people can own a house?
But said wooden stick can somehow generate enough magical power to kill someone with a swipe and a proclamation of two words!
I love ff14 housing to bits. My only complaint though… it is almost impossible to get a big house. So your usually stuck with an apartment, a small house or with some luck a medium house. Still amazing, though.
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“I’ll give you a fierce poking scoundrel” Harry gestured menacingly with his wand.
At this point I don’t know if I’m writing something stupid or something veiled as more “mature” fanfiction 
It has very little content.
Oh yeah. I remember FC mates camping available lots for hours at a time. It’s nuts.
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Hmm, I’ll consider it. Thanks!
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Then why doesn’t Voldemort just swipe and kill Harry with 2 words?