I honestly think the answer to player housing is the garrison. Its already an isolated spot, and I don’t see why they couldn’t add an extra plot to put a house that can be customized in looks and decorated. The only problem is… its in Draenor. Bleh.
For starters, player housing is a permanent feature and a core part of the game while garrisons is an expansion feature.
But please, STAY AWAY, STAY AWAY FROM THE WOD GARRISON, I bet your Garrison who thinks that’s it, TAKE IT FOR DONE.
Housing is beyond creating a base seen in RTS Warcraft without pvp, unfortunately garrison and Warfront failed to give the classic experience that RTS needed to be seen in MULTIPLAYER MODE.
In this case, the Housing would be your Dalaran, since the peace arc is driving away the war (which the WAR in Warcraft is turning into a lie) would be creating your house, your place of peace, your stay away from your work, which It would be what is COMPLETELY missing in WOW, which they have failed before 2004 to make this system in the Alpha and Blizzard needs this opportunity once and for all before it is too late.
If Blizzard did a housing feature, I doubt it would be that way though. They already said not too long ago in an interview that if they did housing they would want it to last a few expansions… “few” doesn’t sound very permanent to me and not like they’re thinking of it from a core feature perspective. At this point, I don’t think they approach any content that way… sadly.
Tbh WoW needs more permanent features. Really tired of one and done stuff
Same, seriously. It’s the main reason I’ve experienced major burnout with this game.
Well, he’s going to have to do it, because OTHER MMO’S will come later on, we don’t know who the possible WoWkiller will be (especially the one from RIOT games) and he remains with this 10.0 theme of a honeymoon that is only bringing him peace while he is dying of a downgrade unfortunately .
With the problem of the Classic Servers.
We will have a dark future for what comes next in WoW.
Seriously. If WoW approached their content from an actual EXPANSION perspective and not as if they were creating standalone games every time, didn’t make the majority of endgame content mostly a queue and instance simulator, and improved upon some current systems… WoW would be extra solid. Like even just the day WoW has a proper housing system and I can dye my gear, I probably would never feel the need to play another MMO… but sadly I do not see that day ever coming.
Realistically, exactly how much of my money would she actually get? The game costs $60, the majority of which I would expect to go to the developer, a portion to go to WB, and then a tiny percentage to JKR. I don’t see how she would get more than a dollar or two at most (and I honestly think it’s far less than that) from my individual purchase, which is essentially nothing in the grand scheme of things. The royalties she receives come from a wide range of merchandise and continued book sales, one person choosing not buy one item accomplishes absolutely nothing.
No, I meant exactly what I said. SHE is awful, but the HP franchise, and the people who developed this game, are not. A successful boycott would hurt the game’s developers a LOT more than it would hurt JKR, and those devs have nothing to do with the things JKR has said.
But it is making other perspectives that they have CONTRADICTED themselves several times from the classic servers, there is no more, there is no more, do not look for something negative to this.
They don’t have anything else in the next expansion, and at the same time you’ll be right, because how obstinate THEY ARE would make them not do while they are succeeding… THROUGH THIS SYSTEM, and when they want to do it, it may already be too late, I hope that It hasn’t happened yet, because WoW is dying, the classic is killing it more than what Captain Grimm is demonstrating in his new youtube video.
If I remember right what they actually said was that it would take several expansions worth of work to actually develop it into what they would want it to be (probably due to all of the art that would be needed I would think, but that’s just my own guess), not that they wanted it to last a few expansions.
Garrisons were probably a huge learning experience for them, what we ended up getting was only a fraction of what they had wanted to include with it.
And that I forgot and something that never occurred until now, something that they did not do in WoD: Sailing your own Navy Ship.
You see, they need a lot more, and a lot more to expand the true MMO experience as a Virtual World.
So help we out here, what’s a few million copies x 1 or 2 dollars? All for the real hard work of saying, um, ya sure, you can make a game based on my stories.
Gotta love it, she will get paid to continue to fight for real women
I just wish more could do the same.
Sure, it adds up when there are a lot of sales, but my point was that a single person will have no noticeable impact at all. And in all likelyhood the calls for a boycott probably had the opposite effect, as it was essentially free advertising. People nowadays seem to get so hung up on their need to do something that they never stop to think about what will actually be accomplished.
Incase it wasn’t clear by the many times I’ve referred to JKR as an awful person, I support trans rights.
Probably the most realistic part of WoW these days…
Omg I laughed at that video I love His stuff.
“Putting together any of the packages of features for an expansion, it’s a mix of what thematically suits the expansion, what’s going to appeal to different types of players, but also what would be required to deliver that feature at the level that players expect and deserve, and what would we have to give up to make that happen… and player housing is a big one,” Hazzikostas said in an interview with WoW content creator Hazelnutty. “It’s one of those things to do right… it’s a big project, a big undertaking, and I would argue that if we were to do it, it would probably have to span multiple expansions–it’s a large enough feature just from the art.”
That is what they said. I took it as because it is a large feature requiring a lot of effort, that realistically they would prefer it to last multiple expansions. I also came to this conclusion because of what they said about things fitting in thematically with the expansion and why housing is a difficult one to do because of how much it would also require. Obviously I could be wrong though and 100% see your perspective on it as well… and if they did indeed mean that it would just take multiple expansions to create, not that they would want it to last multiple (and definitely not permanently), then that just proves that they are looking at it like a single expansion feature… which is terrible haha
Oh my word, it’s been so long since I’ve seen the potter puppet pals lol. Thank you for reminding me of this
Yeah, a homesteading system would be a neat way to do housing. They can used phasing tech since that’s what was used for garrisons. Have some clearly defined limits to what houses offer (profession-related perks, maybe a garden, weapon and armor displays) and select some good zones. I’d volunteer Winterspring, Desolace, Nagrand (Outland), Stranglethorn, Vol’dun, Grizzly Hills, and Duskwood.
If we really wanna go all in on this, add a new profession called Carpentry to help make processed lumber (to build and expand your house), furniture and staves for casters. Would probably also be a good idea to use furniture recipes as a way to make materials from older expansions relevant.