Hogwarts legacy has housing

Bliz is coming out with housing but they are busy building a grand mausoleum for Ray D. Tears and his family so they might be a while cause it’s a huge family.

Only if they remove the wand auto shoot thing.

People like making up labels for other people.

True. But all ten of them are not equivalent to the millions that actually want playable content.

Sorry not sorry. Fringe activities should not be treated like they are a core part of the game.

Show me the numbers and where you get them. Oh wait, I know from your south end!

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There are more than 10 people in this thread.

You have no proof they don’t have the resources and you have no proof the minority want housing.

P.s. sorry not sorry but you have no say in whether or not we get housing so I’m not sure the point of that statement.

Did he really commit to it though? I seem to remember him doing his slippery lawyer thing and say things like “we’d really like to do X, Y or Z” etc etc without actually saying that they’re really working on making it happen?

To be fair, i could be remembering wrong, and i fully admit that i still have trust issues with Ion over his WoD “We’ll give flying back in the first content patch, you can totally trust us” schtick :joy:

Not wanting to divert the topic of the thread or anything, but he has shown on more than one occasion that he’s willing to be deceptive and say whatever needs to be said in an interview in order for the player base to get off his back.

if you still care about Harry Potter after JK Rowling said that wizards poop their pants and then whisk it away with magic I can’t take you seriously as an adult

and that was even before all of the awful TERF-y stuff

And we’re being charged by every vendor on a dozen worlds premium prices. I say we make vendors lootable. I did this in Morrowind lol

:white_square_button: :izakaya_lantern::white_square_button: :izakaya_lantern::white_square_button: :izakaya_lantern:

Fiction must be tough for you.


They also built the base game with housing whereas adding it to a preexisting world would be more complicated, as Ion explained. And has already expressed that it’s something they wanted to do.

I’d rather not Blizzard make housing, have it for one expansion, and make it irrelevant to me once the new one comes out. If they would properly make housing to fit into all parts of the game, even the ones to come… I’d be all for it, but Blizzard doesn’t do that with anything at this point it feels like. I’d be devastated if they finally gave us housing just to “kill” it the same way the did garrisons, class halls, artifact weapons, the heart of azeroth, and etc.

You just described every single interaction with a dev in the past 10+ years. :stuck_out_tongue:

Huh that’s better than what people actually did in the timeframe that JKR was talking about.

The people that owned homes would crap in a pot then throw it out the window. People on the street with drop it where ever they were standing/sitting.

Plus, JKR is pretty snarky. I have a feeling she was having fun with the world.

The point is to show blizzard that player housing remains a fringe rp request and they should not divert resource from playable content to create it.

They don’t need you to tell them that. Your opinion doesn’t matter when they have years of data.

lol…a loaf of bread is still a loaf of bread no matter how you slice it.

Yeah, but it isn’t an MMO. There are so many things that WoW has to figure out before doing housing unlike Hogwarts Legacy.

i thought they also said that wouldn’t be able to because wow’s in game engine doesn’t support the type of housing the players want.

i resent this comment.

When/where was that said?