Hello! We’re a group of people who have been together for up to 10 years and we’re looking for some more solid people to join our raid team and M+ group.
We are currently 6/8h and have been raiding together anywhere from 2 years to 10 years together. We are mostly 35+ old adults with kids and lives, so you can expect a good time but nothing crazy stupid and obnoxious. You know what I mean. We play the classes that we want but we have minimum performance expectations like any guild. Nothing crazy, just perform your role!
We have one of the most easiest raid schedules. We raid Sun and Thurs 8-10 est and usually over by 10 sharp. Good group of us often M+ after raids but we run m+ throughout the week as well. We have a group of people who do like to push keys and have a good time. We would love to dabble in mythic if we could get a set 20 people, but it’s not our focus. heroic is our focus.
Looking for few great dps. Bonus points if you can be flexible role too to help out! Play what you like and what you enjoy. A lot of us play multiple roles and characters to make raiding work.
Come join us!
Contact me!
Discord: Dezerok
Bnet: Khyber#11883