[H/N RP] The Church of Ashen Light [Community Project]

The Church of Ashen Light

Horde and Neutral RP Community

“Ashen. A word that describes something sick, colorless, without life. How irreverent. To us who have tasted death, this word is sacred… holy. Ash reminds us of our past, present, and, most importantly, our future. It was in the ashes of Lordaeron, Silvermoon, and Teldrassil that we were made, and it is in ash that we will return upon our last death. This is why our church is one of Ashen Light.”

- Calletha Seraphel, Matriarch of The Church of Ashen Light

Greetings everyone! This is a small community project I have been working on for a while now, and I’m happy to finally post about it here on the forums and in various other places. This project is, at its core, a small grassroots project that I am hoping to expand. I began conceptualizing the Church of Ashen Light after noticing the lack of substantial Light-based Forsaken RP on Moon Guard. I needed a home that didn’t exist yet, so I made one and invited others in. Given the initial scope of the project, I feel like it has been relatively successful thus far in providing a home for those who seek this kind of RP.

OOC: The Church of Ashen Light is a Forsaken-focused Roleplaying community on Moon Guard - US. The purpose of this project is to give Light-themed Forsaken a place to belong and to serve as an anchor point for Light-themed Forsaken RP. While it is important to stress the Forsaken-forward nature of the Church of Ashen Light (CoAL), its membership and services are open to any who resonate with its message.

IC: The Church of Ashen Light was founded post Shadowlands and post Forsaken heritage armor questline. Calletha, a church-less Forsaken priestess of the Light, decides to start a church to help combat Light-wielding enemies that would harm the Forsaken and to give other Light-wielding Forsaken a place to practice and grow in their faith.

What The Church of Ashen Light Teaches:

“The Forsaken have no need of a saving force. We have the will and the means to save ourselves. However, the way we go about saving ourselves is just as important as the saving. Through conviction in the Virtues, we shall wield the Light to destroy our enemies and bring succor to the Forsaken and all who call Azeroth home.”

- Calletha Seraphel, Matriarch of The Church of Ashen Light
  • CoAL teaches members to embrace the virtues of Respect, Tenacity, and Compassion. Additionally, CoAL has embraced other (non-exhaustive) virtues like Unity, Beauty, Goodness, Truth, Justice (Protection, Retribution, Forgiveness), Patience, Bravery/Valor, and Hope.

  • CoAL does not teach its members to embrace the Light in and of itself. Each member is allowed to approach that cosmic force in the way that best fits the character. This allows members to hold fast to those concepts that their characters cherish (i.e., a darkfallen who still worships Elune, those Forsaken who still see the Light as benevolent, etc).

  • CoAL has various figures that it honors from World of Warcraft Canon, including:

    • King Terenas Menethil II
    • Sir Zeliek
    • Tirion Fordring
    • Uther
    • Alexandros Mograine
    • Mercy Fairwater
    • Eris Havenfire
  • We are currently in the process of compiling a Tome of Ashen Light that remembers the deeds of these honored figures. This tome contains our sacred writings and is based completely upon World of Warcraft lore. A part of this document will be released just before our next RP Event where it will be used in the liturgy.


  • What kind of events do you do?
    • We do typical Church RP like sermons, burials, weddings, etc. We also plan on hosting social type events and combat events as well.
  • How often are events?
    • Currently, we plan to have 6-12 CoAL specific events per year. The goal of CoAL is not to be a guild replacement; instead, we see this project as supplementary to your own guild and project RP.
  • Who is welcome to join?
    • Coal is open to anyone and everyone who resonates with its message. That being said, CoAL will ALWAYS be Forsaken first (inclusive of all races that make up the Forsaken faction) in its focus.
      • Additionally, CoAL LOVES ecumenical RP. We are happy to have members of the opposite faction and different faith traditions at our events, and we work hard to be inclusive.
  • Other questions? Comments? Looking to join? Check out our Discord link and Carrd! (Sorry they are broken up. I guess the forums don’t really know me well enough quite yet!)
    • discord. gg/PzJ95eteqH
    • thechurchofashenlight.carrd. co/

Event Announcement:

Please join us on July 20th as we celebrate a liturgy of remembrance for King Terenas Menethil II using our in-house Tome of Ashen Light for the first time.

When: August 3rd at 7:30 P.M. Central.

Where: Chapel of the Paragons (Proxy: Tyr’s Hand)

Who: Neutral and Horde Characters, Members of the Alliance interested in Ecumenical Dialogue


Hyped for the CoAL and delighted to be a part of it! :smiley:


I no longer have a Light-using DK (he had special circumstances) but he still exists as a character and would love to be involved in this project.

I also have a new DK who was once a Priest of the Holy Light who might be looking for a way back into his former faith.


It was great to wake up this morning and see your questions in the discord server! Happy to have you on board Halandor.


Really hyped for CoAL and reeeeally glad to be a part of it with my darkfallen paladin, and also, wanting to get my forsaken priest into it as well!


I wish you and yours all kinds of luck. You have a wonderful idea here that you’ve cultivated over a long period of time. I do wish I kept the CoFS community up to signal boost eachother, but I’m happy to see someone filling in the faith rp role in old Lordaeron.

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Thank you Sanari! Your encouragement means so much to me. When I transferred over to Moon Guard I was excited to see some religious/spiritual RP going on with CoFS. While our characters are basically polar opposites in a lot of ways, I look forward to RPing more with you in the future. I think it can be a fun dynamic!

Additionally, I just want to offer a quick update for the Liturgy of Remembrance for everyone. We are moving it to August 3rd at 7:30 central. I completely forgot to update the thread since I don’t normally use the forums.


Heya everyone! Our Liturgy of Remembrance is this Saturday (August 3rd) at 7:30 P.M. Central. I hope to see some new faces there! :smiley: