[H/N RP] Returning player seeking a RP-PvE guild

Hey there, so as the title says I’m looking for a guild! Lemme talk about myself a bit, before I get into the finer details. I’m LGBTQ+ friendly, 30 years of age, and primarily EST based, with a pretty flexible schedule.I’ve been an avid Roleplayer for a good 8 or 9-ish years now. Ranging from D&D, XIV, and Guild Wars 2, etc. Despite the experience I have, I’d consider myself rusty as hell, due to the long hiatus of not RP’ing at all. I’m also a returning player who was attracted back due to TWW, and hoping the expac, or at least a guild. Is able to keep me playing a game I very much love, even if I have a hard time sticking with it.

Alright, now onto what I’m looking for in a guild!

To start, I’m mostly a PvE player, who enjoys doing PvE activities. I’m not a hardcore min/maxer, but I do enjoy a good raid, and casual M+ run. Outside of that, I mostly enjoy open world content, and doing it, as well as raid/M+ with guildies. It’s not a requirement, but it would be nice to have a group to do things with outside of RP. Even if it’s just for the sake of T-mog hunting.

From there, RP wise what I’m looking for is pretty straight forward. I do enjoy long format style storytelling, and D&D-esque campaign’s. Combat RP is something I used to do, alongside the long formatted storytelling. But I’m definitely out of my element now, and will take some time getting used to it again. Outside that, I actually really enjoy casual RP, and interpersonal RP as well. As making OC connections, and fleshing them out is something I really enjoy. I also enjoy character growth, and evolving my OC overtime. Whether it’s for better or worse doesn’t matter, as it’s fun either way. I do have 2 or 3 OC’s I plan on writing out, most are Horde side, but are 100% okay with Neutral/mixed faction guilds. The OC’s are a Dracthyr, a Pandaren Monk, and possibly a Night Elf Sentinel, just to give an idea. All are within the “good” alignment to varying degrees.

Beyond all that, I also just want an active and social guild, that is friendly, and inclusive. As I’m slow to warm up too, new people/groups. So having a guild that is understanding, chill, and easy to integrate with, goes a long way with me. On top of that, I’m not looking to join a guild with 120+ members. I’m someone who doesn’t do well in large multi-guild type environments. Anything between 30 to 80+ members is fine (Alts don’t count towards these numbers). However I also am not opposed to making an exception to larger guilds, if it seems you might be the perfect fit for me. Plus as stated prior, I’m part of the LGBTQ+, so finding allies and others as a part of it is important to me. With that said if I sound like an interesting fit, feel free to leave a comment below. Or feel free to message me on discord @ Arnsgrim

Have a great day, and thanks for reading!