Grab your fishing pole, and your favorite bait and head out for a casual evening of fishing up supplies and stock for the adventuring efforts in Dragon Isles.
Fishing is not required to attend this rp event.
OOC: Casual social RP event dedicated to fishing. Ideal for leveling fishing and cooking professions, as well as getting consumables for pve content. Fishing is also a way to unlock some interesting factions and recipes in the Dragon Isles. This is a laid-back social rp event, without any major plot, or focus.
Date: March 25th, 2023 (Saturday)
Time: 8pm central / 9pm eastern
Contact: Banshih (H), Emerris (A)
Location: Dragon Isles, Thaldraszus, outside Tyrhold. The fishing destination changes each month. Summons can be provided for low-level characters.
Who: Hosted by the Horde Vanguard, open to the whole of the Horde faction and neutral groups friendly to the Horde.
Horde Vanguard Server (Horde Faction RP Community): https://discord.gg/fUjuna5QZt