(H/N) Lordaeron Memorial March - Northrend - Oct 14th, 2024

Lordaeron Memorial March

Marking the start of Hallow’s End the survivors of the Scouring of Lordaeron gather and remember those lost. Each year the journey and reflection back upon those grim events retrace a legacy of pain. Join us for a solemn march as we trade Arthas’ path from Dark Shore to Fortmourn Cavern.

Enchanted lantern pets are encouraged and are kept out during the march to remember the fallen and light the way toward a better future.

Speeches and prayers are welcome at the start and finish of the march, please have them pre-typed and on topic.

  • Date: Oct 14th, 2024 (Monday)
  • Time: 8pm Central / 9pm Eastern
  • Server: Moonguard - Open to all RP servers, anchor raids provided.
  • Factions: Horde & Neutral
  • Please bring: Enchanted lantern pet, inky black potion, and elixar of tongues (all are optional, but highly recommended).
  • Start: Broken Shore, Dragonblight in Northrend
  • Close: Frostmourn Cavern, Dragonblight in Northrend
  • Contact: Banshih (H-MG)
  • Discord: https:/ /discord.gg/ H8Z4mvmjRV

This event starts marks the beginning of Dance Of The Dead.


I sadly missed the march last year, but I’m hoping I’ll be able to make it this time! You guys have worked hard on this to make it look stellar, and I can’t wait to see the end result!


Bumping this event! These guys are pulling out all the stops, this march will be a sught to behold! Dont forget those inky potions, folks!

Players are starting to form up. We will have a LFR group under custom for off-server players.

I had to work. How did the event go?