Hmmmmm, honor level suddenly lower than a few days ago?

I’m guessing this is some sort of bug? I assume it must be related to the prepatch somehow

Man, this buggy prepatch “just keeps on giving” with the weird bugs and glitches :rofl:

Considering that it’s literally impossible for the number to go down (as far as I know), I’m assuming whatever it is that happened post-prepatch is unintended

Same issue here; i was 263…and now level 49

That’s… quite disturbing :flushed:

Something definitely isn’t right

Whatever this bug/glitch is, it’s bad news for folks who happened to be “close” to certain PvP rewards like the 500 horsey or the 400 crab pet. Imagine if you were say, 495 before the patch… and after the patch you’re like 100 due to a bug, I would be PISSED if that were me :rofl:

Same issue… this is a reply i have gotten from a ticket…" *I have searched and found out that there is a bug that is causing the issue and this is not just happening to you and other players have the same issue. We truly apologize for that. I would like to assure you that we have already escalated this issue to our Game Devs to solve it. We kindly ask you to bug report so it may reach the dev"…SPAM YOUR IN GAME BUG REPORT TOOL LETS FIX THIS!!!

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So apparently the bug either got worse or there’s a different bug now on the loose?? :rofl:

Skimming thru this board this morning I’ve noticed more than one poster saying theirs “dropped to 1”… which seems to be different than the already-existing prepatch bug - which erased a large chunk of levels, but not “down to 1”

In either case (whether the existing bug has changed or there’s a brand-new bug on the loose), it seems they still haven’t looked at this since we’re almost 2 months out from prepatch and folks are apparently still getting hit by this bug… which basically proves that whatever is causing this glitch is still “live” in the background