Hmm... ok, let's calc this

95 days…
~13 weeks

so… SoD is weekly lock out in Remix?

need 20 currency to buy ToM… hmm? LOL

Sounds about right for Blizz.

Do we know for sure that the raids are weekly lockouts?

Or that the currency isn’t account wide and they expect you to have multiple toons running?

You use raids to level and it should be a daily lockout.

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Raids are daily lockout.

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They reset daily, confirmed three days ago:


Daily lockout. Even on retail the MoP raids are daily lockout fir the duration.

I stand by the point that all legacy raids should be daily lockout all the time, but this is a step, i suppose.

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I agree. Stupid to keep them at a weekly lockout. We’re not going in them for power increases. Just for more pixels.

You get 10 of the currency from a Mythic kill, 4 from a Heroic.

Well you tried and was wrong on both parts

The lesson is to never try