[H][Mediocre at Best] 6/9M 2-Day CE Guild Recruiting LF DPS

Rashok is dead!

healers? ranged pumpers? :smiley:

Looking for solid raiders

sark prog has begun

It’s time to get ur sark kill come join

Like 64% pull I believe we got to?

Yes bg3 fun but a little raiding really helps

Speaking of banana republic…

Lightning strikes.

Get in this early sark prog 'mon.

Is there any commercial snoop dog is…NOT in?

Probably Shaq too for that matter?

and its a very pleasant tuuuuueeeeesdayyyyyy

sark down to 55% got to get it on no choice but to get it on

And it’s a very pleasant…wednesdayyyyyy

to that toppppp pls

Get it get it let’s get it

That big $$$$ energy

Had a couple glances at p3 transition last night, we movin’

How ya’ll doinnn?

Get it get it lets get it