Brand New Guild: Leaders have 9/9H Kill with Mythic Prog Exp. It Will be AOTC / KSM Based Type of Guild.
Season 3 Raiding will be:
Wednesday and Thursday 7:00 - 10:00 pm Central with a 10-minute break around 8:00 & 9:00 pm.
Mythic +: Ran Daily / Nightly = +2 - +20 +
Druid (Resto / Balance / Feral) - in that order needed.
Hunter (Ranged Pref)
Mage (Any)
Warlock (Any)
Shaman (Resto / Elemental / Enhancement) Wind fury Totem Highly Needed
Priest (Shadow / Holy = Disc)
Death Knight (Unholy =Frost)
Monk (WW/ MW /) in that order needed.
Rogue (Sub /Outlaw / Assassin) in that order needed.
Warrior (Fury = Arms)
Demon Hunter (Havoc)
Paladin (Holy / Ret)
Evokers (Any)
My discord is: kukukan85
Co Gm Disc is: imjustmadd