[H][Mal'Ganis] Forgotten Winter - New Guild for Season 3 LF Heals & Dps

Brand New Guild: Leaders have 9/9H Kill with Mythic Prog Exp. It Will be AOTC / KSM Based Type of Guild.

Season 3 Raiding will be:
Wednesday and Thursday 7:00 - 10:00 pm Central with a 10-minute break around 8:00 & 9:00 pm.
Mythic +: Ran Daily / Nightly = +2 - +20 +

Druid (Resto / Balance / Feral) - in that order needed.
Hunter (Ranged Pref)
Mage (Any)
Warlock (Any)
Shaman (Resto / Elemental / Enhancement) Wind fury Totem Highly Needed
Priest (Shadow / Holy = Disc)
Death Knight (Unholy =Frost)
Monk (WW/ MW /) in that order needed.
Rogue (Sub /Outlaw / Assassin) in that order needed.
Warrior (Fury = Arms)
Demon Hunter (Havoc)
Paladin (Holy / Ret)
Evokers (Any)

My discord is: kukukan85
Co Gm Disc is: imjustmadd


Can also contact me.
imjustmadd on discord
edit: I personally will run keys to the ends of the earth, so if you like m+ but not raid, have no fear I will run with you :slight_smile:

Bump to the Top

We have a music bot if you’re into tunes =)

great group of guys :slight_smile:

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To the Top Bumpping

Great group of people! Come join us!

Bump to the top

Bumping to the very top top

Get this thing to the top.

Bumping this mo fo

hey bump to the top

We are still looking for solid people!

bump to the top, check us out

Bump this mo fo to the top

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Still looking for people! lets go!

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Bump to the top

10.2 is our time

Bump to the top let’s go