Hello I am looking for a few people or group that does Normal raiding and M+ Keys I have some other guildies who are veterans of this game and after BFA we do not have enought people to form a raid group. Just looking for people who are interested in the casual raiding scene.
I’m just a solo player, not looking to push anything hardcore, but have been quite chill for quite sometime. Everyone is in a hurry these days it seems. Willing to learn of course.
What times/days you thinking?
I run resto/bear/feral.
Honestly the majority of us it’s starting to look like we might be leaning towards weekends.
Ohhh! Intriguing, By chance are you running off of eastern times? I’m on pacific. Always will to help if capable/time permitting, consistently online 8pm pacific time. BT: Island#1629.
i just made a similar post. I have 4-5 players looking to run Norm/Hero on Weekend nights. Earliest would be 7:30PST but would prefer 8 PST or later. (We’re also 30+ years old with families, so ensuring that it doesnt confict with RL obligations)
We are in a similar situation as well! Which is why we are leaning for those times you named! message me at Luca#1572 Rainaide