[H]Looking for Normal Raiding Group

Hello I am looking for a few people or group that does Normal raiding and M+ Keys I have some other guildies who are veterans of this game and after BFA we do not have enought people to form a raid group. Just looking for people who are interested in the casual raiding scene.

I’m just a solo player, not looking to push anything hardcore, but have been quite chill for quite sometime. Everyone is in a hurry these days it seems. Willing to learn of course.
What times/days you thinking?
I run resto/bear/feral.

Honestly the majority of us it’s starting to look like we might be leaning towards weekends.

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Ohhh! Intriguing, By chance are you running off of eastern times? I’m on pacific. Always will to help if capable/time permitting, consistently online 8pm pacific time. BT: Island#1629.

i just made a similar post. I have 4-5 players looking to run Norm/Hero on Weekend nights. Earliest would be 7:30PST but would prefer 8 PST or later. (We’re also 30+ years old with families, so ensuring that it doesnt confict with RL obligations)

Here’s the post I made

We are in a similar situation as well! Which is why we are leaning for those times you named! message me at Luca#1572 Rainaide