Hey Everyone,
I’m Looking to come back for Shadowlands and Join a team. I am currently looking for a horde guild with sights set on CE for Shadowlands. I last raided in Uldir where my guild made it to 7/8 mythic. I stopped raiding because of a change in guild leadership that changed the entire raid atmosphere and made it generally unenjoyable to play. I primarily play DPS and am looking to continue that trend. I’ve spent most of my WoW career on Zul’jin but am open to moving a character or two for raiding.
I know that not having raided in the last patch or two is not ideal. I won’t leave a long wall of text here on why I deserve a raid spot. I will do pretty much whatever it takes to play my characters at an optimal level. I will leave contact info and raid info below as well as history for people to view. I am completely okay with doing a pre shadowlands trial if need be. I have a 478 DK with proper corruptions ETC. I would love to hop into voice chat and talk if you have any questions or concerns. I understand it will most likely be a bench position to start and that is fine as I believe I am able to preform well enough to earn a spot.
Thank you for anyone who has taken the time to read though this post. I will leave relevant links below for people to utilize.
Useful Information
Ideal Class: Mage of Death Knight
Ideal Raid: 2 nights a week 6 to 8 hours in the Eastern Time Zone.
BattleTag: Bluejacket19#1118
Discord: Paradigm1157#8628
I can’t add any logs or raidier io scores to my posts for some reason so currently im 2.1k IO and 1/13 M but I have plenty of logs from old raids to justify performance if anyone is interested in seeing them.
Raiding History: (There is quite a bit here so I’ll only include tiers I played)
8.3: Came back to the game and have only been able to make PUG groups 1/12 Mythic
8.0/.1: 7/8 M Zul’jin
7.3: 7/9 M Magtheridon
7.0-2: 7/7 M EN, 3/3 M ToV, 10/10M Nighthold Magtheridon
6.2: 13/13 M HFC Zul’jin
6.0: 7/7 M Highmaul 0/10M BRF (Made a guild with friends for start of WoD and i can not remember the name but i do remember that it fell apart after Highmaul.)
5.3: 14/14 H/M SOO (it changed here to mythic iirc) Zul’jin
5.2: 13/13 H ToT Zul’Jin
5.0: 16/16 H I can’t remember the name of the guild. It was alliance on Kel’thuzad and i was playing hunter.
CE Classes played:
Hunter, Mage, Warrior, Death Knight, Rogue, and Demon Hunter. All DPS.
This is the end of my CE raiding. I raided in Wrath and Cata but just with a group of friends on The Venture Co.
If you have made it this far I thank you again for taking the time to review my post. I will be more than happy to chat with you. I’m not trying to pull wool over anyone’s eyes I just want to play the game. In fact I quite enjoy the guild that I am in now there is just no available raid spots and i’m running out of time before shadowlands. Regardless of what you decide after reading this post I wish you and your guild the best of luck.