[H][Leveling][Guild Bank][Discord]<Socially Unacceptable>is looking for more players!

Socially Unacceptable is a horde guild looking for members new and old! Our foundation is made up of RL friends who are Wow Veterans. As the guild is growing quickly we aren’t going to put a label on what we are other than looking to enjoy the nostalgia train.

Main goal is to provide a community to hang out, level, trade ideas & have help when you need it. Most of us are adults full with adult responsibilities and need a place to decompress. If that’s what you’re looking for we definitely got you!

Also want to provide a place to go if you’re like myself and playing TBC from scratch. We have a great group of members that are willing to help anyone get started and build that momentum.

  • Currently our goal is to level characters and start building groups to run instances with. All classes & specs welcome.

  • Guild Bank w/ 2 tabs (Working on a 3rd) with crafting items to help guildies out with professions and such. Also providing repairs for all members.

  • EST Timeframe & mainly play evenings & weekends!

  • Discord available upon request!

Feel free to reach out with any questions or an invite!

Discord: Seraynity#6714

In-Game Name: Seray or Seraynity