Trying to run Operation Mechagon for the mounts in there, but I’m hitting a massive wall with the Junkyard boss, HK-8 Aerial Oppression Unit. I know how the fight works, but I don’t see how you’re supposed to be able to solo the Annihilation phase, since you just can’t hack the station fast enough.
And if you just can’t do it solo, Blizz needs to go in and fix it. Maybe by upping the amount of energy you hack away to the same amount that would be taken if a full group were hacking it?
there was a way to cheese the fight and skip hardmode
you have to click button, reset, click button when he goes into p2, kill
i dont know if it still works (and i did it in a group so i didnt actually do the cheese myself)
What button? The one for the hacking thing?
yeah the one that pops up to activate the hm for the boss
That’s the King Mechagon fight.
OP is about the HK-8 fight at the end of the surface Scrapyard.
OP, it is doable solo but you want any speed advantage you can to get through the shock maze, and you have to execute the maze perfectly with no stuns and no teleports back.
You’ll have enough time to channel down the shield, but only just.
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oh doh i got confused because the mount from KM looks like that boss and hearing op was doing hard mode my brain just autocorrected it i guess
keep the cheese in your back pocket
some immunities work on the bot maze right? i vaguely remember turtling it but i could be completely wrong
Wonder if bubble will help with that…
If you are just doing it on normal mode (heroic or mythic), you have like 3 mins to hack the boss. And the energy on the active pylon drains 2 energy per second for each player. So really it is 50 secs of draining if solo. I do it weekly for the pet off King Mechagon and I have lots of time left over.
Hard mode is unsoloable at this point. Since you only have 55 seconds to hack him.
Not literally unsoloable, since I succeeded. But it took a few tries and one run of flawless execution.
Hacking the Overcharge Station requires 50 total seconds of channeling, so you have 5 extra seconds to get through the maze and also the time repositioning while hacking to avoid the inner orbit of Sentry Bots.
Much easier to duo, of course.
I must have accidentally put it on Hard Mode, then, somehow.
You activate hardmode by defeating the first 3 bosses with HK-8 overhead. Simply defeat one of the two it is not above at the start and you cannot activate hard mode afterwards.
Ah, that makes sense. I’ll have to try again after reset, then.
If you’re on Hard Mode, try running allllll the way back to Rustbolt once Annihilation is being channeled - don’t even bother with the maze. Just run into town and stand near the edge and wait.
Once Annihilation goes off, you should be out of range, jump down and run back and the boss won’t have reset. You now have all the time you need to do the hacking, boss will just float and wait overhead. May need an extra try if you’re too far into town (boss will reset) but once you get the positioning it’s pretty simple.
Wait, you can do that?
EDIT: OMG, it works! You have to be in the “hallway” leading up to Rustbolt, then get out right after the cast goes off. You can then hack the terminal, but there’s no indication how far you’ve progressed. Just keep dodging the inner bot and hacking until it goes [Haywire].
Extending my lockout to continue doing Hard Mode bosses for that mount after reset.
I remember reading about that cheese. After I had beaten the fight solo the old fashioned way.
Still, if it works, it works. That fight is one of the few that still has a solo-resistant mechanic, so more power to anyone who uses it.
Glad you got it!
Annoying that a boss tied to 2 potential mounts is such a pain, but it is nice that it’s cheeseable.
Best of luck on the drops!
Is it just me or is the OP’s model bugged? lol
What, are you thinking that OP’s face isn’t supposed to be a blue-and-white checkered cube?
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if you have a fast class, maybe get speed potions too, the exact second he casts his move run all the way to the entrance and wait for it to go off, the instant it does run back to the boss. Sometimes u can get back to him before he resets, then have unlimited time to shut the pylon down. Be close to exiting dungeon or it can still hit you.
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Yeah, it’s weird. Armory does that from time to time.