[H] 4/5 HM recruiting, Tues 8:30pm-12am
We are 4/5 HM on our 25 man heroic group, we need 3-4 dps to fill out our roster. We are open to variety of classes (Preference: Unholy DK, Boomkin Druid, Feral Druid, Fire Mage, Shadow Priest, Affliction/Demo Lock). We have 2x 10 man groups both 5/5 and 50/50 (Sundays and Mondays). We are a guild with a variety of player types, and have an active disc community. Looking to solidify a solid roster of raiders to push into ICC. PST Everlord, Immastoner, Esotericx, Crackavar, Serdotz in game for more info.