Hit question regarding caster in heroic dungeons

Hello! I have done some searching about this and want to see if I understand this correctly.

I have read that the hit cap for casters in heroics’s is 6%, there appears to be some debate about this however. So if my Draenei Mage has 1% hit from racial and 6% hit from talents… This means I actually need no hit gear whatsoever to be capped vs Heroic dungeon bosses? Am I accurate in this thinking?

Thank you!

Yes you don’t need hit, but hit is still important for later as you probably know for raids.

Check this page out they have a chart breaking it down. Your goal is 263 hit rating value for arcane for raids, again no hit needed in heroics.

131 hit for fire (heroics) 419 hit for raids.

Fire struggles with hit as you need excessive hit gems to function properly, so keep that in mind if you enjoy it more.


Great thanks for the reply

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