Hit % in wow classic

at 305 weapon skill, how much % hit do you need to be hit capped vs. lvl 63 mobs?

9% so you don’t miss I think. For melee. Think it was higher for dual wield?

Weapon skill isn’t about hit chance, it’s about glancing blows and the only thing that reduces glancing blows is additional weapon skill. For Hunters you don’t glance with ranged attacks so you don’t really care about weapon skill.

For casters it’s 7%, for melee a bit higher… +9% I think,.

No weaponskill is about hit chance… 305 weaponskill is 2% hit and you dont suffer the 1% hit panelty aagainst level 63boss mobs. You need 9% hit at 300 weapon skill or 6%hit at 305 for your yellow attacks to be hit capped.


This is correct, the soft cap on +weaponskill is about 8ish as well, anything more then that and you suffer DR.

DW cap is unreachable, you just want your yellow dmg to not miss, so 9% or 6% with racial/items that get you to 5 or over extra


Casters need 16% +spell hit against a level 63 raid boss, 3% against a level 60.

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thanks… I must have been thinking about a later iteration.

Here’s a good summary:

Overview of Stats on Classic WoW



People need to stop with their wild guessing. This is all documented in guides. It’s not a mystery. I’ve explained it myself a few times in prior threads, which are long gone. 300 is 9%, 305 is 6%. Additional skill is largely irrelevant for hit.

Glancing blows start at 300/70%, and increase by 3% per point, meaning that at 310, your glances are now normal damage. You still can’t remove them, no matter what your skill gets to, but at 310+, your glances are basically regular hits.

Perhaps you should spend more time researching helpful things instead of defending multiboxers. Spells are actually 17% miss vs raid bosses, but can only obtain 99%, meaning 16 to hit cap.

Perhaps you should learn to read. Another player very kindly pointed me to the correct information a few posts back.

Oh and, multiboxing is still legal. Deal with that fact.

thanks for the explanation, but to clarify, will 305 weapon skill +6% hit from gear result in being hit capped vs. lvl 63 bosses as well?

Yes, and this is partly why the first 5 skill is so valuable. The edgemaster, for a 300 skill warrior, is literally the best glove in the game. It typically goes for 1,000-1,500g. If you roll human/orc, you can skip paying for this, because you already have the 5 skill. The downside is that you’re limited on weapon choices.

Where did you get that information?

Just wanted to say this is false, caster resist chance on a mob with 0 resist to your school is 17%.

Gaah thanks for correcting me.

 3.3. Weapon Skill

Weapon Skill allows you to hit enemies more often and, more importantly, for      a lot more damage when you land a glancing blow. Glancing blows are regular hits that deal reduced damage. Against your typical Level 63 boss, a full 40% of your attacks will be glancing blows, which deal 35% reduced damage if you only have 300 weapon skill.
Level Difference 	Chance to Occur 	Base Damage Penalty
0  10%   5%
1 20%    5%
2 30% 	15%
3 40% 	35%

However, by increasing your weapon skill, up to a maximum of 308 for this  purpose, you can increase your glancing blow damage up to a cap of roughly 95% of a normal hit, making glancing blows hit for close to normal hits.
 Defense / Weapon Skill Difference 	Glancing Penalty 	Miss Chance 	Hit   Cap
15 	35% 	8% 	9%
14 	31% 	7.8% 	8.8%
13 	27% 	7.6% 	8.6%
12 	23% 	7.4% 	8.4%
11 	19% 	7.2% 	8.2%
10      15% 	6% 	6%
9 	11% 	5.9% 	5.9%
8       7% 	 5.8% 	5.8%
7 	5% 	5.7% 	5.7%
6 	5% 	5.6% 	5.6%
5 	5% 	5.5% 	5.5%
4 	5% 	5.4% 	5.4%
3 	5% 	5.3% 	5.3%
2 	5% 	5.2% 	5.2%
1 	5% 	5.1% 	5.1%
0 	5% 	5% 	5%

Increasing your weapon skill also significantly increases your chance to hit the target, as seen in the table above, making it one of the most powerful threat stats.

Information from the Warrior section of Icy Veins (Basic information covers all melee.). I apologize for not being able to directly link to Icy Veins. All credit to the original author.

TL;DR If you have 305 weapon skill you need around 6% hit with yellow attacks or 2 handed attacks / 1 handed weapons (Non dual wield.). When dual wielding assuming 305 skill with both weapons, 6% should still cap your yellow damage but white damage now requires a total of 19% hit to cap (Currently unattainable or nearly so.).

Actually, it’s .2% hit chance per weapon point. As a human ret paladin, the OEB requires much less hit rating. at +4% hit, I have a 1.2% chance of missing a level 63 mob.