Hit cap in PvP

Specifically Melee hit. I’m 2h, have 300wep skill, and 5% hit, yet I’ve noticed some of my white attacks missing in PvP. From my understanding, the melee hit cap has always been 5%, and that, for 2handers, this applies to both yellow and white hits. Am i experiencing a bug? Or is there a small chance white hits will miss even with 2h? The time’s I specifically remember it happening was vs warrior/paladin, so my thought was possibly defense skill matters? But I never thought it did.
Thanks in advance for the help!

I believe there is a 1% miss chance that can’t be avoided to matter how much hit you get.

If I’m not mistaken that only applies to spells and not physical attacks.

Defense is the reason for your miss.

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Hmm I thought it was on physical attacks too but I could be mistaken. I’ll have to look it up.

My scatter shot never misses on my hunter when I’m soloing tribute runs against level 57-58 mobs. I’ve run it over 200 times. Used scatter shot probably over 500 times and it has never missed.

I’m fairly certain at least for ranged physical damage you can get miss chance down to 0%.

White hits can miss, 5% is the yellow hit cap for pvp.

White hit and yellow hit are veeeeeerrrrrrry different values. You care about yellow cap becomes a missed MS, hamstring, etc can ruin a situation, but after that you aren’t going to get white capped.

The 5% in pvp, if I recall, is for your abilities not to miss, you would need more for white hits.

I thought white cap varied for DW but not 2h, but I believe Laintime :smiley:

15 years and people still do not understand hit cap.

It is 5% for yellows and 2h attacks, it is 24% for you white hits, IF and only if you are swinging 2 weapons.

If you have a 2h on, it is 5%, if you have 1 weapon on, it is 5%, if you have a 1h and shield, it is 5%. For both yellow and white hits.

Another point of clarification, there is no “main hand hit rating” or “off hand hit rating”

It is 5% in PVP to hit with your attacks, it only changes if you decide to put 2 weapons on then both your main hand and offhand WHITE attacks have a chance to miss.

If the target you are swinging at has defense gear or is higher level, then your miss rate can go up.


If you care about PvP, hit rating matters. I have 4% hit, and almost never miss (Dodge is different… Damned rogues!)

If you either hide, or remain mounted throughout battleground, hit cap does nothing. 🤦

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Which is good form to do my friend. May it carry you to high rank.

Yeah no the 1% miss even at cap only applies to spells.

If you’re capped at 5% with a 2 hander and you miss in pvp it’s cause people are wearing +defense gear. Probably like 50% of warriors in AV and many feral druids have a few defense on their items. Helm of wrath and gloves/boots of might are very popular pvp items. Seems like the PvP meta might be to go 6% hit if you can get there without sacrificing anything.

Horde must love me being a night elf and wearing the epic AV trinket. :stuck_out_tongue:

I did some reading and found this:

Hit Cap in Classic WoW Clarifications

There is some code in 1.12 that explicitly adds a modifier that causes the first 1% of +hit gained from talents or gear to be ignored against monsters with more than 10 Defense Skill above the attacking player’s Weapon Skill.

So perhaps this is also being used in PVP, meaning that you’d actually need 6% +hit against defenders who are equal level and who have more than 10 +defense or more than +15 if you have +5 to your weapon skill.

Right, I don’t think it’s like a super meta thing, it’s just warriors using tier gear until they get better pvp upgrades. Like helm of wrath which is very popular has 11 defense on it so that item alone causes this to happen. So yeah 6% hit doesn’t hurt if you can mix it in, with the way some warriors are gearing right now. Many still haven’t gotten their rank 10 helm, or endless rage, etc. so use wrath in place of it.

If the player has defense gear on you will need to add more hit, 5% is for 300 defense.

Appreciate all the feedback, thanks all!

You always have at least a 1% chance to miss with everything.