Hit 2.4 against all odds. no longer hardstuck duelist

beast mastery hunter. takes more brain power than wings every 2 min. youre delusional bud no helping you.

you played ret war then demo ret idk why youre talking to me like you know anything about brain usage in compositions.

not a real hunter spec


to 600 higher than ur peak

cupid ***
havent had the pleasure of qing that wacky comp yet

all of those comps r less afk than dh/dk btw

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i mean thats all everyone in 2s and 3s qs but alright lmao

imagine not thinking abom limb and wings are comparable lol.

yes you played the best melee comp the game has ever seen to 2600 great job buddy.

ok so you qd bm ret which is equally brainless as ret/war its just an arms warrior with extra steps.

yes i forgot the very dynamic and not scripted ret gameplay of pressed this glows up and waiting for your healer to ask you to press your utility is 100% not mentally afk, youre right my b. if we were talking about legion ret wed be having a different conversation this nonsense of watching the best rets and worst rets in the game afk dive toll 100-0 people to 2600 rating is a joke idk how youre even having any conversation over it lol.

inb4 i q necro ret not divine toll. for sure bud. i never played frost when it was 1 shotting people through all cd’s!

and before you type and say ret>dk in terms of skill of the class i dont disagree but the way to play ret is so boring its insane, and you and amatox tought me ret so idk how you can argue with that lmao

ya ig at 2100

with wings u at least have to keep doing ur dmg rotation to do 12k dps

r u sure abt that 1 because lol no

surv cupid

divine toll isnt even used anymore
legion ret is not that dissimilar from SL ret in terms of gameplay
sl ret actually has more buttons to press

ya u also begged my entire cord for help when u were stuck 2100 settle down

ur spec is extremely brainless rn just deep breaths

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youre entire cord? all we did was talk crap about e-girls and then i asked the occasional question about how does ret do x thing because i had never played it before.

even if i did beg i was qing in japan 250 ms perma delay on all my abilities with no partners to play with because 14 hour time zone difference, either way thats a cringe thing to bring up.

C a P

im 2400 now :smiley: no more 2100 jokes today idiot.

cringe. imagine thinking id be mad over some nerd over the internet telling me because a company cant balance their game he got gladiators in an xpac that has less meaning than warlords of draenor. unreal.

you literally spam asked me and notae how the spec worked and didnt believe our advice ever

no im serious
wings requires dmg rotation, it doesnt do dmg itself

in 2s.
in 2s.
as an unholy dk

i know u well enough 2 know that u r

why would i not believe it if i asked for it. thats weird.

im 2300 in 3s thats still not 2100.

your psych degree is really paving strides for you i see. you must know me better than myself.

ya u tell me

my brother in christ if i wanted to be exact i would say 2265

ya im a modern sigmund freud

season high of 2302 so far brother. far higher than 2100 one would say

i knew hed be your first choice.

you both have no idea what youre talking about.

200 points off 2100 isnt that big of a diff

ya at least im not the one who thinks spellwarden is ok or unholy dk is “balanced”

lmao ok.

my statement still stands you and freud are both frauds and have no idea what youre talking about so. C Y @ maybe when i q my brainless dh/dk ill enjoy the sweet harvest of your CR and mmr.

it rlly doesnt

r u sure

ur far too low to q into me

ill just ride my fotm wave its fine. ull meet my blade eventually!

here we go moving the goal post lmao. what rank did you end up last season anyway, bic boi. :wink:


The season I quit and didn’t play? Nice. Less inflated season here, higher than you.

Try not being crap at the game, Dozer.


i mean so did I until the like last day of the season. that’s no excuse, bic boi. :wink: :wink:


You still came back for last day of season. I didn’t come back until half way through this season. What’s your excuse for barely scraping duelist in 2s this time? LFG again? I guess it’s always someone elses fault that you’re terrible.

no excuse. im just not pushing right now until max inflation kicks in. current working on my prot pala duelist push. :slight_smile:


fits for you.

fits for youre mog :nauseated_face: :nauseated_face: :pray:

nah j/k you do you homie G :wink:

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