Hit 2.4 against all odds. no longer hardstuck duelist

Now im a hardstuck elite player :smiley:


Very impressive

i hit 2300 last night in 3s 2400 in 2s today. youre ugly personality will no longer hold me back from greatness.


2400 in 2s as a dk is so hard.


invalid post



No, but Fury and Hunter will :axe:


ive actually been pulling teeth against those brainless classes. like its so un fun idk lmao.

ur just gonna say imagine not being glad as a dk in s3 as soon as i hit 2.4

Would you say it’s as bad as playing a caster into Unholy?


its about the same as me qing into rdruid bm hunter. literally unplayable. but hey 2s is dominated by rogue mage bm hunter/rdru and feral/discs so. RIP.

I take pride knowing i played the underdog spec and got 2.4 in 2s with it.

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can u pls stop backhand support me saying yah man gl even tho ur dog water at ur class.

just say “GL ON QS BUD CY@”

just say “when i played dk demo i lost to rm because i stink” not
“dk demo loses to rm btw ur hard stuck 1900 btw imagine complaining about afkabomblimb spec when rm exists btw”

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You mean one time elite player, in 2s, which doesn’t matter?

i dont actually q dk/demo ive never qd it lmao. i q with a dh rsham

your people gate keep me playing jungle in 3s so rip

What do you mean “your people”!?


He played cupid

hunters filthy disgusting players all of them.

theres a reason i said his people

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Glads? What do u mean

SL DKs are BFA arms warriors.

You play a spec whose entire fantasy is disease and contagion…

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not anymore. retconned to necromancers now :\

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Covid originated from the Death Knight forums not Wuhan, China.