(5/5H) (48/50) is a group of raiders with classic and retail end game raiding experience including cutting edge raiders. We have a laid back and friendly raid environment but expect players to be geared, gemmed and enchanted properly.
Our raid times are Tuesday and Wednesday 8:00pm-11:00pm server time (EST). We run ToGC into select Ulduar hardmodes to target remaining gear. We also run 10m pick up runs throughout the week.
The guild is happy to help with all consumables, gems and enchants.
Loot Council utilizing thatsmybis, happy to discuss details with anyone.
We are currently recruiting:
DPS: All players are welcome to apply but we have priority for S Priest, Boomy, Aff Lock, Fury Warr.
Players are expected to be online at least five minutes prior to raid and ready to go at 8pm. We are willing to help gear toons if the player is the right fit and are happy to help anyone improve their performance.
We are looking to improve our roster with good players who fit in with our social atmosphere for ToGC and ICC! We cannot wait to hear from you!
Please contact the players below with any questions or to discuss a raid spot!
Myself [Zitzenator#1133 (BNET); Zitzenator#2045 (Discord)]
Annimmal [Casti15#1473 (BNET); Casti15#1249 (Discord)]