[H][Illidan] Two players LFG

Hi! We’re two players hoping to find some people to play with during Shadowlands. We’re looking for a casual/semi-hardcore group, and our preferred raiding times are on the weekends (Fri/Sat). We’re down to do some M+ runs as well.

We’re going to end up with a bunch of characters at 50, so we’re just deciding what we want to play in SL. We both lean towards DPS normally, but I’m wanting to try out healing as well.

Let me know if you have a group going that we may fit into! Thanks for reading :slight_smile:

Edit: I’ve recently moved this character to Illidan where my other characters are. For some reason I’m still showing as Barth :sweat_smile:


If your interested to play with a Semi-Hardcore Guild, we are looking to find a few more people feel free to Message me on Discord.

Hey Taleri, feel free to add me. retrowave#11236 on bnet


I would be interested in speaking with you if you are still looking for a guild!

Quick info

AOTC+ guild: Corrupted Cannoli

Faction: Horde

Server: Area-52

Raid times: Friday/Saturday 8-11 EST

Progression: 6/12 M

Blizz ID
Kenoshis1451 Floor tank
InTheShadows#1278 Raid Leader

Hope to chat soon!

Heya Taleri, would love to chat with you guys about a possible fit. I’ll link our recruitment post but you can always hit me up on bnet if you have any questions. Story#11450


Thanks for the replies everyone. These aren’t quite what we’re after in terms of times/servers so we are still looking

Not sure if you are open to a server change, but we will be raiding FRI/SAT 9PM EST and are recruiting all ranged dps and healing specs. We have a highly active discord and are always doing something in game.

Hit me up on discord if you have any questions for us.
