Looking for a guild to join in the new expansion, War Within. I’m a returning player who was active from the Lich King era through a quarter of Battle for Azeroth. I’m looking for a guild that actively participates in raids, mythics, and PvP. Specifically, I’m interested in guilds that organize rated Battleground events and raids on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Additionally, I hope to find a guild that runs 2v2s, 3v3s, 5v5s, and mythic dungeon runs throughout the week as group opportunities arise.
My friend will be joining me, and our highest achievement is 2k in arenas. We consider ourselves fun and casual players but are eager to learn and improve to reach higher ratings. Ideally, I’m looking for a medium-sized guild where there are available slots and not solely dominated by a dedicated raid or BG team. Both my friend and I are versatile players; he also enjoys healing.