Game schedule Friday-Sunday 7pm/730pm - 1am/2am CT time zone, I’m same as Illidan realm time basically. I’m ok with realm changing if I find a team and guild I like and want to commit too.
I’m a 402 balance Druid with 4 set 2100 M+ score, 4/8H I can be 8/8H because I know the fights but hard to get there pugging. Let me know if interested in me joining. My Druid is my main but I do have a 394 deva evoker, and a 70 Ret, and DK that I’d have to gear.
If you look me up on wowlogs alt 136 for my e I’m 80 parse average for M+ and around 60 parse for heroic raid for the fights I’ve done and 80+ for normal 8/8N btw, 45-50k dps on single target fights, council I was pushing I believe 150k. Those were my first fights on heroic difficulty too so I know I can only improve from there. (Those are also normal mechanic following parses, not pad/cheesing parses which logs are inflated with as you know)
I think I’d be a good addition to your team. I’m patient and calm headed and communicative.
Hey. We’re on Illidan and raid 7-9:30 PM Eastern (6-8:30 Server) on Sat/Sun. Currently 6/8H. Slight time discrepancy vs what you mentioned but if it might work for you, wouldn’t mind talking. Hope to hear from you.
I’m Jay with Moted a 7/8H Aotc/Early mythic horde guild on Area 52. We’re looking for a couple more dps to push into mythic. We’d like to chat with you about our guild and needs. I’ll link our recruitment thread below and if you’re interested, please add me on discord and we’ll chat. Discord: Jaystir#1204
Hello! Id love to have a chat on discord if you’re looking for a casual guild. Our goal is AOTC and we raid Sun/Mon 930PM EST for about 2 hours. We’re a small, tight nit group of friends that want to enjoy the game with more people.
[THE NUMPTY BRIGADE] on Illidan is looking to solidify its raid roster in order to progress into Mythic come Dragonflight.
We were established in late '21 at the end of Sanctum with the intent of being AOTC-focused and achieved our goal relatively early on in our first tier as a guild (Sepulcher).
With that said, we are looking for any like-minded players who want to achieve AOTC and dabble in some early Mythic bosses, regardless of previous experience, going into Dragonflight.
We raid on FRIDAY / SATURDAY at 7:30-10:30PM CST.
For Dragonflight raids, we are 8/8N, 7/8H, 1/8M
We expect all raiders to be online for invites at least 10 minutes before raid starts.
Any are welcome to apply! Bonus points if you are a Melee DPS with a Healer / Tank Offspec.
Any are welcome to apply! Bonus points if you are a Ranged DPS with a Healer / Tank Offspec.
HAVING FUN! To be a “numpty” means to be an idiot, so you betcha we’re a raid team that talks smack on trash, joke around during wipes, and don’t get too worked up when mistakes happen during the pull!
HELPING OUT! Need some help with gearing up through dungeons? Learning mechanics? Improving at your spec? Just ask - your guildies will be happy to help!
RAIDING: Our aim is to maintain a strong core team to consistently achieve at least AOTC and a few Mythic bosses with each tier in an environment where we can have some laughs but also know when it’s time to get serious. The guild will provide cauldrons, feasts, health potions, vantus runes, and repairs.
MYTHIC+: From the inexperienced to the key pushers with the big honkin’ IO scores, we are always looking for more players to achieve Keystone Master or even Keystone Hero with each season! Any roles are welcome, especially some tanks!
OTHER: Sometimes we get burnt out from the game and we want to take a break but still want to hang out together. In those times, we like to play Cards against Humanity, Phasmophobia, etc.
Respectful, mature, friendly individuals. ANY drama and toxicity will not be tolerated.
Able to show up to raid on time with the appropriate enchants, battle potions, and knowledge of progression fights.
Able to attend 80% of raids.
If unable to attend a raid night, please be able to let us know in advance.
Willingness to learn and be part of a team.
Can take constructive criticism/feedback.
Continuously works on improving their character outside of raid, including gearing up through Mythics.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact one of our officers:
We transferred to Mal’Ganis from Spinebreaker, We stopped Mythic raiding s1 Shadowlands and we are now rebuilding! We are a laid back raiding guild that focus’s on PVE. We have 2 teams. Both teams have different objectives/goals for the season. Our raid groups provide a non toxic and fun raiding atmosphere. We are looking for non toxic individuals that want to push content in an efficient and timely manner!
Mythic Team
Currently rebuilding our mythic team. We are looking for players that can play and gear outside of the raid and commit to killing mythic bosses. This is a Mythic only team. Everyone on this team pushes m+ outside of raid and can carry their own weight in raid. Spots are competitive.
Mythic Raid team requirement.
-min 2250+ IO
-3 week raid trial.
-no loot qqing
-Team player, Non toxic ,able to communicate.
-ability to improve every pull, gear as much as possible outside of raid.
-adapt to new mechanics, adapt to swift changes in strategy.
-expect 100 wipes per prog boss.
Heroic Team
This is our casual raid, a very relaxed environment with our goal to hit AOTC before the end of the season. This team will eventually dabble into entry mythic level content.
If you are still looking, our guild on Thrall is AOTC and 2/8 M looking for good RDPS. We look mostly for the right personality fit. Patient, calm headed and communicative are definitely traits we look for. Feel free to reach out on bnet Stevelations#11594